I'll be seeing Jason once a month until I graduate, which is pretty scary (the graduation bit, not the seeing him bit). We agreed that we'd see each other for Valentine's day, then for my Spring break (March 14-22), then over Easter in April, and finally at my graduation in May. We originally weren't supposed to see each other in April, but I looked around at the various reward points I have and realized I had a bunch with American Airlines. When I first moved to the U.S. I flew on British Airways and American, and the points just piled right up. I used up most of them and got a plane ticket for $10! That feels really good I must say.

"Motherly" rants refer to two things. The first is that I keep having those dreams where I am either pregnant or had a baby in the recent past. It's terrifying, really, as I definitely do not want children in the near future and I am pretty sure I will never want them. In my dreams though Jason convinces me that this is a good thing and that we should be happy - and I wake up absolutely terrified. However, his mother also has him down because of her criticism of our relationship. She likes me well enough I guess, but likes saying things (to him) like "you know nothing about her." Like, literally "I know you've lived together for four months, but you know nothing about her." Really lady? We've been friends for 4 years and dating for one, and we still don't know anything about each other? Of course there are always things we'll learn about each other, but that doesn't mean we know nothing.

My mother is still bent on visiting me for a month in July-August. She said she'd pay for all of it and that I shouldn't worry etc etc. I'm going to try to get my driver's license by then, although I don't know how realistic this goal is. I don't even know if I'll find a job or get into grad school by then - if not I have to go back to Mauritius and that doesn't work out. I don't want to think about that though. Right now it's just a waiting game...