Seriously. He came back for his four-day weekend with me and we had such a blast - cooking together, going out on dates, running errands, attending the wedding of one of my good friends, spending the night in a hotel (33rd floor, view was AMAZING, and it was the nicest hotel he'd ever been in), hanging out outside drinking beers and talking about everything from our own personal beliefs on religion to our future together, spending some time even just gaming in the same room... everything was wonderful.

Until Monday morning dawned and he got out of bed, tucked me in, kissed me goodbye and I haven't heard from him since. I know he doesn't get good phone reception over there, but we're talking ten days of no contact and it's hard on the both of us. We'll probably start being snippy at each other when we finally get the chance to talk, and it'll all go downhill until we can actually be together again and everything is fine. We know it's just the frustration talking but so far we haven't managed to find a way to live with it. He gets snippy because he's tired after working long hours on an archaeological site, and he thinks I should be more understanding; I get snippy because I am in so much uncertainty over whether I'll even be able to stay in the US that the fact that he can joke about being the "sole income earner of the relationship" pisses me off.

I honestly can't wait for classes to start again. That way at least he'll be back in town. Although it will be weird not to be a student anymore.