After being with me for a month in California, my SO went back home to Germany last night
While I'm heartbroken that he had to leave, I'm so happy that we were able to spend so much time together!
Here's a quick recap of his trip:

On the night he got here, I arrived at LAX a bit early. I was nervous and excited of course, but I tried to remain calm as I saw that his plane had arrived. After about an hour and a half, I started to panic a bit, wondering why he hadn't gotten off the plane yet. ANOTHER hour passed, and then I started to get really nervous. I paced around for another half hour, getting weird looks from everyone, when he finally arrived!!! I was so happy and relieved that I jumped right into his arms
As it turned out, he had problems with his passport when entering the country , and the TSA guys had actually taken him into a separate room to interrogate him! It was all pretty scary, but it turned out ok in the end

The next day was my graduation from community college. It was about 100 degrees outside, and the ceremony seemed to take forever, but I was so happy knowing that my SO was in the stands watching me. It made the whole thing worth it

Over the month, we did many different things, but since it was so hot out, we mostly went to the beach!



It's hard to believe that four weeks could go by so quickly. It feels like he just arrived here
Perhaps I shouldn't complain, as I know that many couples on here don't get to spend as much time together as we have. I do feel so incredibly lucky that we did, but I just want to be with him permanently!!
I'm really hoping that I will be able to visit him in Germany in August, but it all depends on ticket prices and work schedules :/
If not, then we will have to wait until December to see each other. It seems so far away, but I know it's worth the wait!

Thanks for reading