It's been almost a week since I've returned home from seeing my SO. I was visiting him in Germany for 3 weeks, and it turned out to be the best visit we've ever had <3

The Visit
I've noticed a pattern throughout my relationship with my SO. The first few days of a visit are usually the worst for us, surprisingly. We often fight over stupid and petty things, and we don't have as good of a connection as we usually do. I think it's because we are apart for so long beforehand, that we have a hard time reconnecting in person when we finally see each other. This trip was no different. We fought quite a bit the first few days, and although it was hard, we talked through it and found ourselves in a better place than ever before!

I arrived in Germany on December 27th. On December 30th, we took a train from Potsdam (where my SO lives), to another city about an hour away called Magdeburg. There, we visited my SO's twin brother and his girlfriend for New Years. I have to say that it was truly the best New Years I've ever had!! My SO's brother and his brother's girlfriend were lovely. We all got along so well, and they made me feel like part of the family On NYE, we made tacos for dinner and set off sparklers at midnight. I had a blast, and I felt so lucky that I could kiss my man while ringing in the new year <3

On New Years Day, we visited the cathedral in Magdeburg, which was breathtaking. Well, for me, at least. There's nothing like it in the U.S.!

A few days after New Years, we returned back to my SO's apartment in Potsdam. We spent a lot of time walking around the city and seeing all the beautiful architecture that it has to offer. Of course, we also took some time to take a lot of pictures of us

While we were walking around, we even saw this cute cat just sitting on a bicycle seat. I think it's one of the best pictures I've ever taken ^^

We also spent some time with my SO's friends in Berlin. We saw The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug at an English-speaking theater. (The second one was much better than the first, IMO!) We also hit up some sushi restaurants and bars a few times.
One of my favorite parts of my trip was seeing Checkpoint Charlie in Berlin! I was so surprised that my SO had never checked it out before. He's lived near Berlin for almost his entire life, but he'd never been! It was very interesting to see, but a bit sad as well.

Before I knew it, my time in Germany was coming to an end. On my last night, we went out to eat and talked about possible future visits. The food was good, and I was very happy to be with my SO, but I was also really scared and nervous to leave him

The Future
Saying goodbye to my SO was heartbreaking. It always is, of course, but this time seemed even worse I sobbed my eyes out at the airport, and I basically cried all the way home :/ Besides the first few days, we were happier than ever before throughout my visit, which I didn't even think was possible. It feels so sad and wrong to have to part ways with your other half Even now, it's hard for me to shake the feeling of sadness and separation after parting. I know it will get better with time, but for now, it just sucks.
Fortunately, I don't think we will have to wait 6 months before seeing each other again! It looks like we will be able to see each other in May or June I'm not sure if he will come out here, or if I will go out there again, but I don't really care, as long as I get to see him.
I may not know exactly what the future holds for us, but we both know that we want to be with each other, and we will do everything in our power to make it happen! Even though my SO lives 6,000 miles from me, I've never felt so happy in a relationship and lucky to have such a great guy. LDRs are so hard, but to me, he's completely worth it <3