I just returned from a 3 week visit with my SO. It's amazing how fast time flies when I'm with him. I feel like I was just boarding my flight to Germany, and now I am already home. Despite all this, I had an amazing time! <3
My SO had warned me beforehand that he would be very busy finishing up his Master's thesis paper while I was visiting. It is due at the beginning of August, and he has a lot to do before then. I assured him that it was ok, and his education should be his number one priority. Because of this, we spent a lot more time in his apartment than other trips. Even then, I didn't mind. One thing I really appreciate about our relationship is that we are completely content being in the same room with each other while doing our own separate things. I usually read or browsed the Internet while he worked on his paper. It was so nice just to be able to look across the room and see him sitting there

We also were able to spend some time wandering around Potsdam, where my SO lives. We saw the beautiful mini Brandenburg Gate:

Then we played in the fountain right in front of it.

We also ate waaaay too much ice cream while I was there, but it was so delicious, we couldn't help it!
In the past few months, I've been learning to cook as well, so it was nice to eat meals at home rather than going out to eat all the time.

My last day in Germany was probably my favorite. We met up in Berlin with my SO's twin brother and his girlfriend. I've met them a few times in the past, and I always love seeing them. They make me feel like family First, we ate at an all-you-can-eat sushi buffet!! The price was €8.50 per person., which is a really amazing deal. We were a bit skeptical about the quality of the food, but it turned out to be very good
Afterwards, we went to an English-speaking movie theater to see Edge of Tomorrow. I wasn't too excited about it because I'm not a huge action movie fan, but it wasn't so bad after all! After the movie, my SO and I even took a picture with these guys ^^
Before I knew it, the day was over, and we had to go back to Potsdam and pack for my flight the next morning.
After all the times we've parted ways, you would think that saying good-bye would get easier with each visit. I feel like it just gets harder It was so hard to walk onto the plane when all I wanted to do is run back into his arms. I cried the whole way home and felt miserable

We're not completely sure when our next visit will be, but I'm really hoping that my SO can visit me around late July/early August. If not, our next visit won't be until Christmas, which would really suck :/ It would be really hard for me to wait 7 months to see him again. I have all the respect in the world for those LDR couples that have to wait longer than that between visits, because I don't know if I could do it. Sometimes I wish that we had a more definite plan to our future, but we don't at the moment. We are still students and while we also have part-time jobs, we both agree that our education is our top priority. For now, we will just have to take things day by day. As hard as that can be, I'm grateful every day for our relationship. I couldn't imagine anyone better for me, and I'm so happy that I can call him my boyfriend