I recently made a rather sad blog a few days ago, and unfortunately, here is another one. This all just happened a few hours ago, but I really need to get it off my chest.

My dad and stepmom have been together for about 10 years. They always seemed like a really happy couple, which made me happy. About 2 years ago, my stepmom decided to quit her job and open up her own business. Rather than staying in California, though, she moved to Idaho. Every year since my dad and stepmom have been together, we've gone to vacation in McCall, Idaho. McCall is a really beautiful town right on a lake and very close to the mountains. It's a very popular tourist spot, and the perfect spot for my stepmom to open up a gift shop, not unlike a Hallmark store. My dad really encouraged her to do this, as the plan was that he would soon retire and move up to Idaho to be with her permanently.

It has now been 2 years since she moved up there, and my dad still lives in Orange County. They visit each other once or twice a month, which isn't bad considering the distance between them is 1,000 miles. I thought things were going well, until I heard them talking on the phone earlier this evening...

I think they might be splitting up, as they can't take the distance anymore, and my dad won't be able to retire as soon as he originally hoped for. I overheard my dad say on the phone, "I know you're lonely. I'm lonely too, and it's the worst feeling in the world."
It fucking breaks my heart, because I know how he feels. I know what it's like to feel so alone and empty, while also feeling completely helpless. Sure, some days the pain isn't so bad. You miss your partner, but you're happy with your life overall. Other days, though, it feels like someone punched you in the stomach. You feel so alone that it almost physically hurts, and you would do anything in the world just to get one hug from your SO.

As much as the distance hurts me, it kills me 1000 times over knowing that my dad is experiencing the same pain. It makes me so sad....and angry. I fucking hate this distance. I hate that there seems to be no end to it- for my dad, my stepmom, and for myself. I hate hearing people say, "Well, you chose this. No one forced you into this relationship." And lastly, even though I do feel bad saying this about my friends, I'm getting tired of them constantly complaining because they only get to see their boyfriends 3 or 4 times a week. I know that is a selfish and mean thing to say, but I would give my left arm to see my SO that often. I try to remember what it's like to be in a CD relationship, but it's still hard for me to sympathize with them at times.

I will be heartbroken if they split up. They really need each other. I just hate all of this. I wish we could all just find a way to close the distance, but I have no idea how that will happen.

TL;DR-Fuck you, distance.