My SO left home for Germany yesterday morning after spending 5 weeks with me. It's still crazy to me how fast time can fly by. Those 5 weeks felt like 5 seconds! Time flies when you're having fun

Over those 5 weeks, we did A LOT. Two days after he arrived here, we went on a road trip up to San Francisco. I forgot how amazing the city is! We rented a room via AirBnB in a beautiful apartment near Golden Gate Park. We spent our 3 days visiting Golden Gate Park, Fisherman's Wharf, Ghiradelli Square, and just walking around the city. My SO fell head over heels in love with the city, and he now says he wants to move there. Too bad it's one of the most expensive cities in the US

We also saw a few movies (The Imitation Game, ftw!), went to the mall, explored Los Angeles, went to the beach, and spent time with my family and friends. I was especially happy that one of my best friends said she really liked him after meeting each other, since she's never liked any of my other boyfriends. I'll take it as a good sign

We had a few little arguments throughout his visit, but overall, I feel like we're becoming so much closer each time we see each other. In the past, we would talk vaguely about our future, but nothing concrete. Towards the end of our visit, we really talked about our future and how we can close the distance. We're not exactly sure how we're going to make it work, but we both said that we want to be together no matter the obstacles!

We're both at a turning point in our lives now, so I think it was a good time to discuss it in greater detail. I'm graduating from college in May with my Bachelor's degree, and my SO just completed his Master's degree in Psychology. He currently has a job at university, but he says he needs to move on and find something else. I know he's worried about his future, because he's not sure what he wants to do yet. He says he'll either look for a full time job or pursue a PhD here in CA. Of course, I would be thrilled if he moved out here! But, he's not entirely sure he wants to go for his PhD. He's really stressing about it, though, because he says he wants to close the distance asap. We're both really tired of the distance, but we're not sure what to do next I'm trying to stay positive, though. I know if we work hard enough, we can figure it out

Saying goodbye yesterday was harder than ever before
I cried so hard, I felt like I was going to throw up. I felt like my heart was being torn into pieces after seeing him leave. It feels so unfair to have to walk away from someone you love so much. To make things even worse, I had to go to work right after I dropped him off at the airport, so I had no time to myself to recover. I usually really enjoy going to work, but yesterday was awful because I had to hold back tears the entire time and put on a fake smile :/
I feel a bit better today, but there are still moments where I feel like bursting into tears. My SO hasn't been handling it well, either, so that makes it even harder. I just hope we find a solution soon, because the distance is getting really tiring and sad

On a final bright note, I will be visiting my SO in Germany in summer, most likely at the end of May!
I was really hoping he could come to my graduation ceremony in mid May, but I really doubt it will happen due to various reasons. Instead, I will be visiting him. As long as I get to see him, I don't care what country we're in