Hi everyone! I'm sorry I haven't been on here recently. My computer broke But now it's all fixed!


So Chris and I have been living together for 3 months and two weeks. It's been amazing. Not exactly a fairytale of course. There have been some bumps in the road, some fights, some difficult situations. But that is to be expected. Nothing in life is perfect. But we hit our groove after about the first month and have been blissfully happy. My favorite moment of the day is when he walks through that door after work, even though he smells like grease and hamburgers and has random bits of food on his clothing, which I then have to attempt to get clean before his next shift. I love going on little dates with him on the rare occasion that we both have the night off of work. This summer has been excellent for our relationship and we have become so much stronger and more mature as individuals and as a couple.

Our most recent picture

I leave for college in 4 days though On Friday Chris and I will be hopping on his car and taking the long and sad journey to the airport. We will have a small "last meal" at Denny's and then try to snuggle until I have to get on the plane. I am not looking forward to leaving him at all. I miss my college friends but if I had the choice I would stay with my SO. But this is what has to be done and we will get through it. I really believe he is the one for me and I'm not going to let 1000 miles and 3 months get in the way of forever.


Advice Needed

Now I was wondering if anyone could give me some friendship advice. My friend got married in February of this year to her Marine husband. Unfortunately, last night he asked for a divorce. I don't know what to do as a friend in this situation. Can anyone give me any tips on how I can be there for her? I'm at a loss. She's a college friend so I'll see her in about 5 days and I don't know what to do.