Just so you all know the apostrophe button on this computer doesnt work - sorry! I know its annoying.

So Thanksgiving was yesterday obviously. My SO and I got to spend it together

First we went to my parents house and took family Thanksgiving photos. My SO wasnt in them since we are not married but he did take them. It was a lot of fun. The best part is how nice my older brother was to my SO. They used to have a tense relationship because of issues surrounding Chris and Is past breakup but now my brother has come around. He even gave my SO his old TV (which he doesnt know yet - a surprise for after his workday) and is buying him a Christmas present - this is a very big improvement! Im so happy that my brother has come around

Then we went to a fancy restaurant with my SOs dads side of the family. It went really well! And the dress was a big hit! His family was so nice to me - I was a little nervous because I only met most of them once before. I ate wayyy too much but it was worth it :P

^^ My eyes are weirdd in this one. I had glowing red/white eyes from the flash haha. I hope I fixed it okay!

^^ My SO likes this one. Idk why :P

Then we went to my SOs aunts house to see his moms side of the family. I was really nervous about that part of the day. My SOs cousin just got engaged after dating his girlfriend for 7 months. That alone is not bad. But since he only proposed since she was going to leave him and he couldnt afford the ring so his parents paid for it.... Its a source of controversy. Plus I didnt want anyone to ask why my SO hadnt proposed yet because that would have just made me bitter. Thankfully the only mention of the engagement was positive so it wasnt a big deal.

I was a little self concious with his moms family though. His cousins new girlfriend (of like 6 months) is so gorgeous. She makes me feel so insecure. I dont know why. I guess because since the breakup Ive felt like Ive had to prove myself to his family, even though I know they like me. That explanation doesnt even make sense since I know looks dont really matter.... I dont know why I feel this way :/

All of all though it was a great day. Thank you to everyone who helped me with the dress!!! I ended up wearing it just with the little jacket since it was so warm outside. I would have worn the boots too but again since it was gorgeous out I just wore ballet flats. Everyone loved it! Thanks guys