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High School Sweethearts

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    High School Sweethearts

    To start off it may be helpful to know Adam and I were in a close distance relationship for four and a half years before going long distance. So our story is a little difference than most on here.

    Boy meets girl
    I first met Adam when I started working at Lenards Chicken in May 2005 when I was 14. I didn't take much interest in him (and to be honest didn't really notice him), and he disguised his feelings quite well as he was quite shy. I started dating one of our colleagues (Josh) in June and I can only imagine how Adam would have felt, as he and Josh talked a lot at work (so they obviously spoke about girlfriends etc).

    I got expelled from my high school in August and changed to the same school Adam and Josh went to. After my expulsion I really lost my focus and started skipping school and smoking weed every day. Josh seemed embarrassed of me around his friends, so I never really sat with him at lunch. I was going through a tough period and instead of being there for me, he pushed me away. Instead I would sit with Adam or some of my girlfriends. Adam was my shoulder to cry on (or crash on).

    Josh and I fell apart quickly and we had split by September. Adam consoled me through the break-up and we started hanging out more. I still only saw him as a friend and started dating my "toxic" ex Daniel soon after I split with Josh. Adam never liked Daniel, and for good reasons. Daniel was aggressive when he smoked but I looked past it – I was 15 years young and of course I knew best. Obviously it didn't last long as I finally woke up to the damage being done.

    Coming out of a physically abusive, drug fuelled relationship was tough and I went on a bit of a bender of sex, drugs and alcohol for a few months. During this bender, I felt some stability around Adam and we started flirting a lot at work and school. I used to start looking forward to our shifts together and started sitting with him a lot at lunch. We used to throw chicken at each other through the windows of work (I worked the front counter and he worked out the back) – completely hygienic and romantic, I know. It was a fun place to work, so Adam and I could joke around when the boss left. It sounds completely gross but our workplace flirting pretty much involved throwing chicken fat and mince at each other, wiping each other with loads of marinade and throwing buckets of water at/on each other. At school, I was still turning up stoned but I would usually just go find Adam for a cuddle.

    During the school holidays we kept working together and we started to develop a really great friendship. I started to learn he was a really funny, genuine guy, which was something novel for me. I was only starting to suspect he may have feeling for me but I kept up my partying lifestyle outside of work. I think I had just decided to quit weed (due to my hectic anxiety attacks which were provoked by going without weed for two days) when he asked me out on a date. I had provoked the question by saying we should catch up outside of work when I found out he did nothing all holidays (poor little loner boy :P).

    Boy asks girl out

    We went for our first date the week before Christmas 2005 and went to see Brothers Grimm at the cinemas. We flirted a lot during the movie (I actually have no idea what the movie is about) and afterwards we had our first kiss on the roof car park. He hadn’t actually told his parents he had gone on a date, so he waited for me to get picked up first before he called his dad.

    Nothing much came of the date, and that was probably my fault. I continued my partying ways, just minus the weed. To be completely honest, I wasn’t very fair to him after our date and was it was quite selfish of me to continue my rambunctious behaviour with the boys. To be honest, I didn’t think much more of our date, and figured if he was keen he would pursue me.

    Well he did, but not quite in the romantic way most people would have been pursued. He made it quite clear he was pretty angry that we had a nice date one night and the next I was back partying and hooking up with random guys. Fair enough, I thought, when it’s put like that. I sort of assessed my situation and realised I was being pretty unfair to him, so when he called to “ask me out” as you do in high school I said yes... eventually. He asked, and I told him I probably wasn’t in a good position to be starting a relationship. He told me to stop making excuses and if I really didn’t want to date him then just to say so and quit stuffing around. I was taken aback by his suddenly confident approach and said yes.

    To be honest, I didn’t think we would really last. I joked that I said yes just to shut him up. He got “strike one” on the day after we started dating, as he turned up to work late and I had to work half an hour overtime to cover him. We didn’t tell our boss because it was a strictly “no-dating” workplace after two other colleagues had regular domestics in the shop while they were dating.

    Boy loves girl

    I met his parents soon after, which was an experience. His mother didn’t exactly take to me, as she was annoyed Adam hadn’t told her he had a girlfriend sooner. (We had decided to wait to tell everyone until we felt we were serious). After that we had to deal with everyone at school finding out. The “loud drunken party girl” with the “quiet nerdy ranga”? No one thought it would last. It was hard having everyone doubting you while you’re still trying to find your feet as a couple.

    We had been dating about two to three months before we said “I love you” and we had been dating three months before we slept together for the first time. After we had been dating a few months, my boss mentioned to my mum that I “had settled down a lot” and mum said it was because of my “new boyfriend, Adam.” So mum was the one to spill the beans to our boss. After the boss had a chat to us and realised we had been dating for a few months without any issues she was okay, but did start to limit our shifts together, which is understandable.

    Over the next few years we both graduated high school (him 2006 and me 2007) and even went to the same university for six months before he dropped out. We moved out together in July 2009 after we had been dating for three and a half years. I was still studying psychology full time and working part time, while he was working full time for a flooring company. We bought a border collie puppy, who we named Kiara in late May.

    Boy moves away

    Adam’s boss had just relocated to Albury a few months ago, and he hadn’t really been enjoying work as much since. When he left he offered Adam a job there, which he declined as he couldn’t see himself moving without me. Adam really wanted to end up owning a franchise of the place he worked. Part of the process is to become 2IC then franchisee in training and he was soon told it just wouldn’t be possible in Queensland with the sales figures not justifying promotions like this. He knew his old boss is Albury was desperately looking for sales staff, and he was told that his best chance to climb the ladder would be there. He didn’t want to move away from Kiara and I, and his life, but he knew he couldn’t stay in Queensland and miss out on his chance. I wanted to jump up and move with him straight away, but I had 6-18 months left of my degree left in Brisbane. I looked into studying via correspondence or via cross-institutional study and it just wasn’t possible. Plus we didn’t have a lot of money saved up to cover moving costs and we would have had to put it all on credit. Adam’s mum offered to pay for everything on the contingency I didn’t go with him. She never liked me at all, and this really proved it. We both decided it would be best for me to stay, to finish my degree and to make it a little easier financially.

    We really focussed on making the next few weeks before he left really romantic. I told him he wasn’t allowed to leave until the end of my mid semester exams so I wouldn’t be a wreck. I was anyway – I could barely study or concentrate and obviously my results felt this. The night before he left we stayed up all night cuddling, just Adam, me and Kiara. There were lots of tears, tantrums, but also a lot of love.

    Boy misses girl

    We have had a tough few months apart. He had to face a brand new town and brand new people. Due to financial constraints he is living in a rough part of town, which is difficult. His family weren’t the best of support, with his mum being really angry that we didn’t break up over the move (sorta as if she wasted her money!). I had to move home with my parents, due to a falling out with the housemates we got as they needed a place to stay – they ended up kicking me out of my own place a few weeks after Adam left as I didn’t abide by “their house rules” – go figure. In a sense moving home has been good, as it has given me some social support (which I really wish Adam had).

    The current situation is that I am going to finish university after six months, find a job and move down there. In regards to the other twelve months, I am going to apply to do that via correspondence in Albury.

    I am really excited and at the same time scared about starting a new life in a new town. I do know everything will be okay though, as I will be with the man I love so dearly!

    Anyway thats the summary of us

    Sweet story! Good luck with your move to be with him. He is obviously really supportive and will be so helpful when you move to a new place.


      Adorable adorable adorable story!


        What a great story! Thank you for both have been through soo much.
        NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


          Great story! I loved it :3 You two have been through so much and stuck it out! Way to go! Good luck with college

          First Met Online: May 08
          Became a Couple: 4.11.09
          First Visit: 7.27.11 - 8.11.11
          Second Visit: 9.15.12 - 9.23.12
          Third Visit: 7.6.13 - 7.14.13


            Haha Thanks guys - I'm glad you liked it. I read over this and was like "WOW i was a complete bitch to him!" Please be assured I wasn't that bitchy (hopefully) and we had/have plenty of good times


              Thanks for sharing your story

              It sounds like he was pretty determined to make you his

              You seem to be great for each other
              In a relationship with

              Read mine & Tanja's story here!

              My Albums:
              Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
              Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
              My dog Sam ♥


                Awww! Lovely! Just super adorable! Makes me happy to read it - thanks for sharing!


                  Originally posted by Andy View Post
                  It sounds like he was pretty determined to make you his
                  Haha, yeah silly boy he is.
                  Now the poor guy just can't get rid of me - moves to another town 900 miles away and I follow
                  He should have known I was trouble- but before we got together I never would have imagined to see myself where I am today.
                  He has had a very calming effect on me, I was going on a downwards spiral fast and I guess he's just my knight in shining armour who saved me from my own demise (haha what a cliche, but sooo true).

                  I enjoyed writing this cause it helped me reflect and appreciate what I have! Sometimes I find myself taking him for granted, cause he has always been there. Thats what I like about LDR, is that he is not always there, so I have to sort it out myself and I appreciate him even more


                    Originally posted by Casey View Post
                    I enjoyed writing this cause it helped me reflect and appreciate what I have! Sometimes I find myself taking him for granted, cause he has always been there. Thats what I like about LDR, is that he is not always there, so I have to sort it out myself and I appreciate him even more
                    Such a nice way to think of it!


                      Originally posted by Casey View Post
                      Haha, yeah silly boy he is.
                      Now the poor guy just can't get rid of me - moves to another town 900 miles away and I follow
                      He should have known I was trouble- but before we got together I never would have imagined to see myself where I am today.
                      He has had a very calming effect on me, I was going on a downwards spiral fast and I guess he's just my knight in shining armour who saved me from my own demise (haha what a cliche, but sooo true).

                      I enjoyed writing this cause it helped me reflect and appreciate what I have! Sometimes I find myself taking him for granted, cause he has always been there. Thats what I like about LDR, is that he is not always there, so I have to sort it out myself and I appreciate him even more

                      I know what you mean, that's lovely

                      Sounds like he brought out the real you
                      In a relationship with

                      Read mine & Tanja's story here!

                      My Albums:
                      Summer 2009 / Xmas 2009
                      Summer 2010: Part 1 & Part 2
                      My dog Sam ♥


                        What a story! I love it that you got a puppy together - he must miss you guys so much

                        But you will be together soon, forever. What better is there to wait for? ♥


                          Originally posted by Tanja View Post
                          I love it that you got a puppy together - he must miss you guys so much
                          yeah and i feel kinda bad that ive got my friends, family and our puppy. He couldn't take her cause he's living in an apartment, working six days a week - so not fair on her at all.
                          Kiara is such a daddy's girl and he was really concerned that she would forget him - after all he's been away longer than the time he lived with her. But when I brought him home from the airport and she saw him again, there was NO doubting she remembered him. She went nuts! She sooked, cried, and gave him kisses where he stood for like 5 minutes. That night she slept in between his legs on the bed - she didn't move at all and she's usually a light sleeper. She was so well behaved the week he was here and everything he said was gold!


                            OMG that was the most adorable story ever :]
                            Thank you for sharing!


                              Aw I love this! I love reading high school sweetheart stories, as I'm still with my high school sweetheart a year and a half later. Thanks for sharing! I loved it.

