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To make things short....

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    To make things short....


    My name is Cat, from Mexico City. I have a 5yo boy (Elías) and I have been in a relationship with Chris who is is Australia and we have been planning to finally get together in July...

    Everything has been going quite smoothly. For the trip I already had the American Visa but Elias didn't, I thought they were never give it to me since I am a teacher (aka not rich) and a single mom but what was my surprise that everything went great the day I had the appointment at the American Embassy to get Elias' visa. In fact I had asked for a transit visa because I'd only be in L.A. for like 12 hours in transit to Sydney but they gave me a tourist visa for 10 years, yay!!! Mine is also for 10 years but expires in 2016

    Anyway. After receiving the visa on the mail I went traight to American Express travel services who will help me with the Australian visa. I took all the needed papers, the passports, everything and last night the travel agent called me to tell me the Embassy needed two things: 1: the responsive letter from my father (who is helping) should have my name and my son's starting with the last names and stating the passport numbers and 2: April's bank account I haven't received that yet! So I will have to run to the bank tomorrow to have a copy made... I can't believe they return the papers because the names were not written starting with the surnames

    Now I'm nervous, I'm panicking and I needed to vent

    Are you going there to stay or just to visit? Sounds like a lot of work! But it also sounds like you are right on top of it! Good luck to you


      oh only 2 months?! How exciting! It will all work has so far! COngrats and good luck with all!


        You think I'm going through all this for a visit? No way Jose! I'm planning to stay

        Today I went to AmEx to leave the papers they asked me for. First I went to the bank to get the accont and they had no system! I had to wait for more than an hour before they could give me a copy :s The good thing is that I was able to take it to the office on time. Please cross your fingers I can have my Aussi visa soon


          60 Days!!!!

          We've got the visas!!!! wooo-hoooo!!!!

          I'll go tomorrow to get them and buy the tickets... AUSTRALIA here we come!!!


            awwwwww yay!!!!!! so excited for you


              Have mucho fun
              Hope everything works out well!


                Wow this is so amazing and exciting for you! Sounds like a lot of hard work however it will all pay off in the end


