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I might be suddenly closing off the distance, super iffy

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    I might be suddenly closing off the distance, super iffy

    Me and him have had to deal with the confusing what are we thing for a year, we care about each other. The other day I brought up that I thought it would be a good idea for us to finally hang out face to face, we discussed for a while until he said that he needed to think. Over the summer, he got accepted into my university and actually wanted to go, but certain circumstances prevented him from that so he stayed where he was and went to school there. He is thinking of moving here for school right after christmas. He's not sure whether he is or he isnt. I Feel like I should give him reasons why I would like him here, but then again the fact taht he may be here when I come back from my trip to london scares me!! I dont know what im coming back to........ its killing me. What are things you guys had to cope with when closing the distance, and actually meeting up and hanging out for the first time after being away from each other for so long? I guess what scares me the most is that we wont get along, and I hate that I'll be leaving the day after christmas and I wont know if he's going to be here when I get back,

    It's normal to have doubts and fears when meeting your partner for the first time. I met my boyfriend for the first time in real life a year into our thing, and was so nervous before that I started freaking out. Everything ended up going great and I didn't want to leave when the three weeks was up. If you can find some of the first meeting threads here you'll see that the majority of first meetings go perfectly, even better than people expect.

    When I made the move it also happened very quickly. I applied for school, got accepted, left my job and hopped on the plane all within two months. It was a risky thing to do, jumping into it so quickly, but we both had pretty stable finances at that point and a lot of savings, so were confident enough in the decision of giving one of our incomes up. It was kind of a mad rush but everything ended up falling into place nicely.

    If he does end up making the decision to go to school there, it will be a pleasant surprise for you when you come home. Spend some time together in person before school starts, and adjust to a close distance relationship. If he doesn't make the move, continue to build on your relationship and move forward with making plans for a first visit/closing the distance.

    All the best!


      I guess it just scares me cause a year ago he was just some random guy that walked into my job. And now he's someone I cant picture my life without. I mean at a distance he has freaked out and ran off ALOT......... and we've ended this a lot of times...... but we keep coming back to each other. Im scared that the same thing is gonna happen when he's here lol, but I doubt it will cause its a lot harder to shut someone out when they are close to you. Im hoping that when I get back from my trip he'll be here. It would be an awesome new years surprise.

