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How can I get my SO and I to plan together on closing the distance?

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    How can I get my SO and I to plan together on closing the distance?

    Originally, I had figured that the distance would close after I graduated college (end of August of this year) and that I would follow him to wherever he was going to finish his degree. That was always what we had decided before we started our LDR. But now he's expressed concern that he's a little skeptical about moving in together when that time comes, because we've only would have been together for a year and a half when that time comes. He even told me that he'd rather be in a long distance relationship because we've already experienced it and we know how to handle it... that I don't like at all.

    On top of that, there are other factors. I didn't anticipate having the distance last longer than a year, but now that he's unsure of how our living situation is going to be next year (not just cause he's skeptical, he doesn't know where he's gonna end up and that's important). If we somehow can't be together, there's another two years of distance, until he graduates. Then he's recently showed interest in joining the military after graduation. If we're not married, there's no way I can be with him and then I'm gonna have to go through a possibility of up to 4 years of distance again.

    That's like 6 years (not including the year we're in now) of long distance! I really don't want it to have to be that long, or even not have a plan for what we're gonna do. He's expressed just wanting to take it a day at a time; he doesn't want to put an end time on it because he thinks that's a little "dumb." But all of this uncertainty is driving me a little crazy (even if it is a ways away) because I want to do what I can now to make it possible that we can be together!

    What can do to help us establish a plan to close the gap, or even just be ale to discuss it?

    Well, you cant force him to do anything he's not ready or willing to do. But you do have the right to more of a solid answer. To be honest he sounds scared of the commitment, or it could be that he just isn't ready to be that serious in the relationship yet. You need to calmly and plainly discuss this with him. Ask him why it is he doesn't want you there. The fact that he would rather have you away from him throws up red flags, but it may just be that he's not ready to go from no time together to 24/7. You ay have to be willing to moving to the same general area but on your own first, and if that's not acceptable to you than you will have to re-evaluate your relationship. But ask him to be honest with you about his hesitation.

    Finding myself.

