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LDR will end!

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    LDR will end!

    I've known my girlfriend for soon a year. And well ever since i've tried to find a way to end the LDR.
    And now i've applied to a college very very close to her and i'm superexcited about that. Finally we will be able to see eachother atleast a couple of weeks and call eachother whenever we want and have similar day schedules.

    Cuz see i live in Sweden and she lives in California, so there's an 9 hr time difference.

    But the only thing. Despite that being established i'm still feeling sad.
    Idk why. I should be happy that it's all done and it will end. But i want it to end like now, i don't want to wait the 2 and a half month that is left until i can move there.

    And this summer will be special. Because we talk everyday. We need that otherwise we get all sad and everything. So this summer she have to be away for a week and we will barely be able to keep in touch. And i know that doesn't sound very long. But it is and i hate when i'm not able to talk to her.

    So yeah i just wanted to share. Anyone got any advice on how to well come over this sadness and be happy instead?

    welcome to LFAD : )
    its really exciting that you will be ending your distance soon, all the same as moving to california and attending a new college! all of those things are very exciting, each on its own.. i thinks its normal that you are a bit sad; afterall, youre leaving your home and going to face new things, and anyone would be feeling about the same.. that isn't even restricted to going from LD to CD... i have a friend that got married, and she was torn between he excitement and joy of finally living together with her SO; and at the same time sad of leaving her family's home...
    two months and a half is not too much time, when you think about all the things you have to do before you leave, and research things to do there, places to see, places to go eat etc...
    from your different posts i can tell you are very much in love with your girl and she has a very special place in your life.. im sorry if what im going to say will sound harsh or rude to you, but its my personal opinion, and you asked for advice...
    i know your relationship is still new.. but i think theres something you should think about when you say you are unhappy when you cant talk, and just sit there waiting until you can, unable to do anything else.. you shouldn't rely on anyone to be your source of happiness.. the only person that can make you happy is yourself.. and you, as a happy independent person, are a much petter partner.. you are more interesting, since you have more interests and things to talk about; you are more thoughtful because you please the people around you just for their pleasure, not in hopes that they will do the same; and many other things...
    now it is perfectly normal to miss your SO, and that they always be on your mind; but that shouldn't freeze your life... i think it would be good to take things one step at a time, and try and discover new things, you might take a liking to... it takes a little courage to take a first step but it can be anything really... from reading, to crafts, to a new sport, to discovering new music... you can even be making something as a gift for your SO, that would give you more motivation... just be creative and i'm sure you'll find something that will both give you pleasure and satisfaction and make time fly by : )
    Don't be dismayed at goodbyes. A farewell is necessary before you can meet again.
    And meeting again, after moments or lifetime, is certain for those who are friends.
    ~Richard Bach

    “Always,” said Snape.


      I understand what you're trying to say and want to thank you.

      But yeah i go through these phases where i don't feel like doing anything because i miss her so much.
      But most of the days it runs pretty smoothly.
      And i guess you could call our relationship new. But it feels like we've known eachother forever,
      Neither of us can remember how we could live our lives before without knowing eachother.
      And i know that 2 and a half month isn't that much time and that there's much still to do.
      But somehow it feels that we have met, maybe it was just in a dream or something, but when i realize that we haven't i get sad.

      And i wouldn't say i'm really sad because i will leave my family and everything like that.
      Sure i love my family, but they are challenging to live with. Sure i'll prolly change that opinion when i'm missing them.
      But for now i'm just i guess sad that we won't met sooner than that. Haha i guess that sounds so demanding and unthankful.
      But yeah it's the truth and i don't really know why i get sad now when i know i will meet her.
      Atleast i'm sure this will pass.
      I were in a state of deep depression around a month ago. And i felt in it that i would never come back.
      But well i did and the days started to be handleable again.
      So i'm sure that with time i will get through this too and start enjoying life, even without her.
      I just need to well vent my feelings now and then.

      Thanks for the tips. I will try to do that, i am constantly discovering music for example.
      I know that my SO don't want me to feel this way and be happy and enjoy life and be comforted by the though she'll soon be in my arms.
      And when i'm feeling this down and thinking of my SO and missing her i usually go out on a walk with the camera and take a some pictures of my surroundings and places i like and want us to visit together in the future.
      This tuesday i picked some wild flowers and spelled her name with them and wrote "I <3 U" above. And i've also recorded quite a few videos of my talking about our relationship, how much she means to me and how it is hard for me but that i will get through it. I also try to record videos showing where i live and what i do and how i do it. So she can take part of my life

      But thanks for the tips i rly appreciate it.

