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Issues with Closing the Distance?

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    Issues with Closing the Distance?

    Did anyone have major issues with closing the distance? I'm willing to go wherever, but he is so indecisive that it's leaving me incredibly frustrated and hopeless. He says he wants to move from where he's grown up, but because he doesn't know where he'd move and has made little effort in the job department, it's incredibly frustrating. I have to take the bar in July and, as of right now, will be taking the Florida bar unless he makes up his mind...I've suggested my moving to him, but since he doesn't want to stay there that doesn't seem like a good option. It could work if he at least tried fo move to Florida, but his lack of effort right now has me feeling very lonely and full of doubt. He wants to be with me, but he doesn't know where he'd move or what he'd do...any advice or words of wisdom?

    Are you kidding me? There's always big complications when people have to move, find jobs, save up money, blah blah blah. If I were you, I'd tell him he has until (insert date) to figure it out, otherwise he's going to move to wherever you decide to go.


      Haha, I wish...I mean I graduate May 18th and I'm willing to go wherever after the FL bar, as long as I'm with him. His indecisiveness is driving me crazy! What's worse is that because he's scared of losing me in May, he hasn't been visiting as much (I may just surprise him and go this weekend)...How did you decide who was going to move and where? I see you're in Costa Rica, did you both move there or was one of you already there? Thank you!


        Well first he moved to me in the USA. I'm a teacher and couldn't leave my job in the middle of the year. So he did. We lived together in the USA for 6 months (as long as his tourist visa would allow). Then it was summer so I came down to Costa Rica. We decided to stay here for a while because it's easier for me to stay legally and find a job. Plus since I'm a teacher I'm easier to move around. And finally, even though he has excellent English, he really needs to improve it more to have a good chance to find a job. In order to really "live" in the states we would probably have to be married and we're not ready for that yet.

        So.. a lot of reasons! jaja

        I'd say for you, pick a place (in FL, or wherever) and have him look into it. See if he likes the area and why or why not. He's gotta start doing this or it'll be too late!


          Yea, I've been trying to get him to pick a place but he's just not decisive and now wants to let whatever happens see where the wind takes him kind of thing, which I don't think I can handle because it's too laid-back for me since I have a definite date by which I have to make a decision...


            I am going through something similar with my SO... except that he is supposed to be choosing where we are going to live in California. He already lives there but doesn't like where he lives and we need someplace that has good schools for the kids.

            He has known what our goal time frame is for a long time but he still hasn't actually done any of the legwork.... I love him but I get frustrated with this


              I'm so frustrated too! I wanted him to choose because he's the one that's unhappy where he is, I suggested my moving to him for now but since he doesn't want to stay there it's not feasible. I'm terribly upset because he hasn't made up his mind and is being much too laid back about it, I have a deadline and graduate in May at which point I will move back to my home state (Florida) permanently or just until he decides where he wants to move...but now I'm just feeling powerless and hopeless, he says he wants to move but has done nothing to make that happen.

