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Closing the Distance WAYYYY sooner than I Imagined! For awhile at least!

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    Closing the Distance WAYYYY sooner than I Imagined! For awhile at least!

    I can't believe I'm actually posting this subject already!

    Soooo what happened is kinda a long story. My SO and I ended up LD because I go to a university 326 miles away from home, which he is at home as well. I really wanted to go to this university because it has a success rate of its students getting into pharmacy school (my goal) through the pre pharmacy program. Jacob (my SO) has always understood and supported me through these past two semesters. After getting a bad score on my chemistry exam today (which I'm still fuming about), I had a LONG conversation with my mother over the phone. She asked me the most important question:

    "Are you sure you're happy there?"

    For once I found myself stuck with no words. I realized today that I'm NOT happy here, and not just because of the distance from my family and SO. I thought that what I was going through was normal for a big university: not many friends, extremely hard classes with grad students as teachers, a roommate who puts a lot of pressure on me, not having a sense of belonging, etc. My mother pointed out a lot of important ideas, and we actually concluded that going back home and taking classes at the local college campus will actually increase my chances of getting into pharmacy school compared to the big named college that I'm at.

    I made the decision today that I'm going to stay at home for my schooling from now on until pharmacy school. I feel that deep in my heart, that this is the best decision for me now. As ready as I am for handling college, I don't think I am at the point to be on my own yet. I'm not at the age where being away from everyone won't cause me as much stress as it is now. I am happy with my decision, plus that means closing the distance with Jacob! That is, until pharmacy school kicks in. :P But that's for the future. He's happy, my family is happy, and now I realize that I am feeling happy.

    Yay for closing the distance!
    "You will always have my heart, no matter how far we're apart" ~ Jacob

    Congrats to that!

    I realised that I needed to move away from home to do my study (I did and I don't regret it at all).

    Good luck to you


      Yeay! I am thinking about doing the same thing. I'm currently a pre-professional Zoology major hoping to go to vet school. I have decided to move closer to home and I am thinking about going to my SO's college too. It's a lot cheaper since I will no longer be out of state, plus I think being back home around my SO and family will give me the motivation I need because as of right now I am struggling in school!

      I feel like we are in the same situation haha! (Including the fact that I also received my chemistry exam back today and was very unhappy haha)

      But Congrats! I'm very excited for you and glad you realized you weren't totally happy! It's taken me quite some time to figure it out for myself because I was so nervous about making the wrong decision, but like you I think moving closer to home is the best way to go!!


        That's great! Closing the distance is always good.



          I was in the same spot. I moved away to pursue my degree. Ive been away for 2 years. And thought I don't regret it at all and loved my time here... I am not happy and it is time to go back to where my life is. I will have my degree in hand at the end of THIS MONTH and am headed home. My dad kept asking me why? why why why don't you want to stay there? And simply my answer was that I am not happy.

          So good for you for making that choice, sticking with it and being okay with it.
          Got together Jan 3, 2011~ Closed the Distance March 23, 2012~ Living Together Since June 19 2012~ Future TBD......

          I miss you more than I ever could have believed; and I was prepared to miss you a good deal." ~ Vita Sackville-west


            Congrats! Good luck. =]

            "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

            Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


              Thank you all so much! You all have made my day today! I'll still be around as much as possible. I can't stay away from this site. haha
              "You will always have my heart, no matter how far we're apart" ~ Jacob


                I can't believe I missed this post! Congratulations, sorry it's a bit late! I'm so pleased to hear how everything's working out for you guys Wishing you all the very best


                  How very exciting!!! Congrats!!!


                    That's so exciting! Glad you are closing the distance and that you'll be happier going to school closer to home.

