So, as it seems a lot of you are actually closing the distance, I was wondering if you have "to do" lists (mentally or written down) of the things you wanna do once you get there/your SO come to you, too?
I've started making one of those some time ago, when I realized there are so many things I'm looking forward to doing as soon as possible after I get back home. Of course, my situation is a little different from most of yours, as I will be moving back home, but I still wanted to share my to do list.
A lot of it has to do with food I haven't had in the US in a long time (mostly because they didn't have it in the dining hall of my dorm) - such as hard-boiled eggs, peaches and real whipped cream, fresh pineapple, kebap, more authentic Italian & Greek food.
Other things are partly just stupid stuff that came to my mind such as:
- paint stones (I did that as a kid and it's so much fun!)
- get a household insurance
- watch "Captain Corelli's Mandolin" (my husband and I were on vacation on the Greek island where it was mostly filmed)
- go see a musical/go to other events
- get follow-up vaccinations (ok, not looking forward to that one, but has to be done)
- pull a prank on my hb
- (if everything goes well with my hb and me) get IUD
- finally get all the things on my amazon wish list
etc. etc.
Of course, I'm also looking forward to doing other things I haven't done ever since I was home... cooking, having sex (hopefully
