Hi I'll be moving in with my boyfriend hopefully by may, but was wondering how people have adjusted at first? We have been seein each other every other weekend at best and was kinda wondering what to expect? I'm excited but wondering
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finally moving in with your SO after having LDR for at least a year
moving in with SO after LDR for at least a year
what's it like at first? We'll be together by may (hopefully) and am wondering what to expect in the "adjustment stage". We have never even been in a fight and are great together but I'm still curious as to what it's gonna he like to see each other everyday lol
From experience, I know it's great to have them there all the time. It's super comforting and you can connect on a level that's way beyond long distance. However, you are going to fight, it's pretty much a given. You're not use to living with another person, especially someone you care so much about. Maybe he doesn't pick his towels up off the floor all the time, or you snore. Who knows. But it's something that definitely builds the relationship stronger, and every couple fights.
The important thing is to find a way to solve that conflict that works for both of you, and compromise. Don't spend every waking moment together, have some time to yourself every once and a while, just so you don't get sick of each other. And lastly, but most importantly... Buy a bigger bed, because my single one could NOT hold my boyfriend and I. :P
I don't agree that you're going to fight like katylynnlee said. It's different for each couple. You won't really know what it's going to be like - unless you've lived together for a short period of time before, which I guess in my opinion, would be like a little taste or sample of it. I also don't agree that living together makes people connect on a level that's way beyond long distance. It's not so much the connection - you should already have that if you're going to be living together. Of course you get to fall asleep with them and what not, but think It's more getting used to seeing that person on a day to day basis and having them in your space. For some people it might take them a while to adjust, you'll just have to give it time.
It would be good to get an idea of what you both like doing around the house... like maybe he if he likes to cook, you can wash dishes. Or if he likes vacuuming, you can do laundry. You can even switch it up a little bit.
When my SO lived with me for a few months, we took turns making dinner and washing up (although I HATE dishes rofl). We'd go grocery shopping together and we'd try and figure out what we were going to cook that week. I had to remember what foods he can't eat and keep in mind the foods that he loves and what I love too (he won't eat blueberries and mushroooms, but I LOVE blueberries and mushrooms). I think when you live together, you have to realise that you're a team now, and you're not just doing things for yourself anymore.
Anyway, I don't have much experience because I only lived with my SO for a short time, but I wish you the best of luck! I'm hoping to close the distance by May tooLast edited by Zapookie; March 20, 2012, 11:57 PM.
My gf lived with me for nearly a month. Thank God she can tolerate my mess. I'm trying though, even when she's not around. Just to be a bit more clean, pick up around the house more, because I know it will be an adjustment for her and I have to do my part.
More than likely we will fight a bit but I hope it's okay
I'm going to agree that a "fight" isn't a "given," but you will notice habits of each other that you may not have noticed before. In "visit mode" you may both have been on your "best behavior" and now you'll be in a real living situation. Just respect each other and do your best to approach anything that bothers you with a cool head. Pick your battles. If it's something stupid like leaving the cap off the toothpaste or leaving underwear on the floor, don't turn it into a big deal.Good luck, it's really awesome finally being together and knowing it's not just a visit!
Like everyone else has said, you may "fight" you may not. Don't expect that everything will be perfect, even if you're used to living with a roommate. I agree, to an extent, that you connect more. It's not that you aren't connected now in your LDR, it's that you are able to connect differently in a CDR, especially when you live together. You get to learn everything about your SO. I noticed a couple of habits that my SO does that I didn't notice before and we were living together for only about 3 months. (Like he chews on his fingernails when he's bored/engrossed in TV.) You'll learn more and more about your SO, which is probably the best part about being CD. The little things you pick up on that you simply can't when you're LD.
Best of luck, and remember to talk about things, and most importantly: don't ever go to bed angry with each other.
Well you know your relationship better than we do. When my SO moved in with me, we never fought. We've now been living together for over a year and have yet to have a fight. Sure we disagree about things, but we've found a rhythm that works well for us. Sometimes finding the sweet spot takes a while and can be bumpy. But just be patient and agree to compromise. You'll be fine!
Okay, I didn't mean "scratch your eyeballs" out and fight. I meant disagree, which I should have been more clear about. Sorry, I didn't expect everyone to take it that way, haha.
Not everyone is the same, and some people like things differently than others. It would be the same as living with a new roommate (except you're in love and can tolerate them a bit more). As a couple people have said, sharing chores is so important and kind of determining who will be doing what is a good start for anyone living together.