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Less than a month

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    Less than a month

    Wow... so much is happening so fast right now. I am supposed to be moving across country in a little over 3 weeks. I have so much packing, cleaning and small ends to tie up. I am freaking out literally. On top of all of this my ex started some nasty custody crap with me. So here I am in the middle of packing up my life to move and he decides to put a restraining order on me stating that i cant leave the state with our son even though im the custodial parent. I want to strangle him, or worse. I have so much money tied up and I will be homeless if he doesnt pull his head out of his bum. And in the midst of all of my chaos I decided to have a girly day and try on wedding dresses only to fall in love with a gown that was on clearance and being discontinued. So I had to buy it on the spot. Life sure is messing with me guys... must keep breathing!

    Please send some good karma my way with my ex stuff. OMG will i be in a world of hurt if he doesnt drop his dumb restraining order. Ive already had to pay for a lawyer for mysef... but not having a house and losing over 2 grand in moving costs that have already been paid would pretty much kill me. Prayer, well wishes, happy thoughts.. all are greatly appreciated right now.

    But the great thing is that Kyle and I set a wedding date. Now I just need to cross my fingers he doesnt go changing his mind for a third time. Darn men... and they say us women cant make a decicion. Geesh!

    I don't understand the circumstance, so I can only assume your ex is scared. I can't imagine what it would feel like to lose my child. You might be the custodial parent, but no offense, the system is pretty much build for the mother to have the advantage. I don't mean to pry, but I'd like to know what exactly is the situation with your ex and why it's good for your child to be so far from him. I can't help but think that he's just terrified of losing his son, and you don't want to alienate your son from his father if he's a good man. Trust me, kids grow up to resent you for doing something like that. Like I said, I don't know the situation, but it's rarely ever good to keep a child from their parent.


      Oh I wish that things end up well however I hope there are good reasons to take your son far away from his father, and I know it is none of our business but it's something that he may end yp resenting you for like Darth said.

      I do hope that things get better because everyone deserves to be happy and I hope you don't loose out on the money due to other issues inflicting on the situation.
      Congratulations though and good luck


        I'm sending well-wishes, but have no good advice. I just hope everything works out so that no one gets hurt
        Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


          He is supposed to be moving around the same time I am to the same state. His mom decided to put her nose where it doesnt belong and convinced him that our parenting plan was crazy, that him moving when i do is a bad idea... its alot of stupid things really. I have no intent of keeping him away from his son. Though he is barely around. Its almost always his own choice too. I have never stopped him from visiting when he wants and such, he just doesnt take the initive to get off his butt and think of others instead of himself. I really wasnt asking for advice.. just venting.


            Ok, makes a lot more sense. Now it seems his mother is afraid of losing her grandson. She has no rights to him though. This is a decision you two made as adults and as his parents. She doesn't have a right to abuse the system to keep her grandson around. Yes, it'll hurt her like hell, but she's far from the first grandparent to have limited contact from their grandchild. My grandmother lives in the opposite side of the country from roughly 9 of her grandchildren. I'm not 100% sure, my family won't stop breeding. Anyway, she might not get to see them often, but those kids still know who she is and still love her dearly.

            You should probably talk to your ex and make sure it gets through his skull that his mother is still going to see her grandson. Then he's also moving, so it'll be a lot cheaper for her to stay with him when she comes to visit. Unless he's that much of a dick where he won't let his own mother stay with him. By any chance, are you moving far away from your own family? Might want to remind him of that if you are.

            I'm sorry if it sounded that I was accusing you of alienation, but I can't help but worry about these things. I've seen it happen way too many times, and seen my own friends grow up to be idiots because of something like losing a parent. I really hope things go well and you get a judge that can look past the cover and see the real issue.

