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    No, I didn't have to do that. I had to pay lots of other fees for random things like "change of residency" was $200. And evidently to pick up my cedula (if I ever get it) is another $100. But, when you enter CR you need proof of onward travel. Basically a one-way ticket out of the country. If you don't have one, they make you buy one.

    I'm not sure the different types of residency up there, but here you either need to be retired, married to a national or have a job sponsor you. I'm doing the 3rd option and it's definitely this awful catch 22. In order to work legally, you need temporary residency. In order to apply for temporary residency, you need a job. And residency takes at least 5 months and up to 5 years to process.


      I'm sorry Lucybelle! This is super sucky! My SO always says he wishes me met me 150 years ago when boarders weren't an issue and we could go for a walk and claim some land as ours haha


        Yeah visa stuff sucks and the government here is so useless and unorganized it makes it even worse.

        The lawyer was supposed to turn in my stuff Friday. Friday he said he'd do it Monday. Monday I sent him an email how things went. No response. My SO is going to call today and go all tico on his ass. I think my request get sort of shrugged off since I'm a female and a foreigner. Oh well, at least I got someone who has my back!


          Originally posted by lucybelle View Post
          No, I didn't have to do that. I had to pay lots of other fees for random things like "change of residency" was $200. And evidently to pick up my cedula (if I ever get it) is another $100. But, when you enter CR you need proof of onward travel. Basically a one-way ticket out of the country. If you don't have one, they make you buy one.

          I'm not sure the different types of residency up there, but here you either need to be retired, married to a national or have a job sponsor you. I'm doing the 3rd option and it's definitely this awful catch 22. In order to work legally, you need temporary residency. In order to apply for temporary residency, you need a job. And residency takes at least 5 months and up to 5 years to process.
          Oh ok, thanks. In Nica there's 3 options for residency: retired, investor, or marriage. Work qualifies you for a visa only. They have the same rule about onward travel. I'll never forget how I accidently miscalculated my return ticket at 91 days and I was not allowed to board the plane (of course no one noticed this until I was literally minutes away from boarding). Had to grab a hotel and rebook the ticket completely.


            So in case anyone is following.. my SO called the lawyer yesterday. He didn't answer and my SO had to call about 10 times. Finally the guy answers and says that his brother died on Monday and he wouldn't be able to turn anything in until Wednesday (today). Now, I feel awful for this guy, I really do. And I'm sensitive to the situation and don't expect him to walk from his brother's funeral into immigration with my papers. He needs some time, I get it. Just communicate with me. He has my email, send me a quick note saying you have a family emergency and you'll need to do my stuff later. Perfect. No prob bob. I won't bother you 100 times a day if I know what's going on!

            So now my SO plans to call the lawyer this evening to see how things went down. I hate to bother the guy in his time of need, but I'm currently in the country illegally because he didn't turn my stuff in. He said he would do it a week ago. Had he done that, I wouldn't have to be bugging him during this difficult time.

            *so torn* I want to be really angry, but the man is suffering.

