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3.....2.....1...... It's here

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    3.....2.....1...... It's here

    So in 1 day I will be moving there. I will be moving all stuff I can take from home, and will stay until Mid-july, but only because I have to come back for exams here. After I finish them, I go back.... to my new home.
    I am so nervous. I am *this* close to freak out.

    I can't tell you all the different feelings I keep in me right now. It's happiness, but somehow I don't really ..... feel it. I am concerned, worried even, feel strange, can't get no sleep, my friends are making everything worse by telling me I will be missed and stuff. It's all new life,all over again. And I have a big problem - the country I am moving to - well, I never even started to imagine I will want to go there. I have totally opposite likes of what is it there.... I told my SO everything, because it's not fair to keep it, it's serious things. He just told me he will do anything to make me feel like home. That's sweet, but I can't imagine how hard it will be for me and how much time I will need to get used to it.
    I was thinking that I want to live in England, Ireland, USA even, Canada ..... but It took me a little different place. Yes, yes - love is there, so that's why I am moving still. But it doesn't make it less difficult. I always wanted to move out of my country, but I kind of feel where I am going it will be very, very hard.
    One day left. Just one

    Adjusting to a new country can be difficult, but remember you will have your SO there! Starting over can be scary too, so it's good you're acknowledging all of your feelings from excitement to fear to everything in between. A lot of people on here have moved to different countries and they've been better for it. You will be too! You are chasing your dreams, which is something many are afraid to do. I wanted to study abroad in college and I was terrified, but I'm so glad I did. Living in another country is an amazing opportunity. It sounds like your SO is really trying to understand where you're coming from, so keep reaching it out to him. Safe travels and I can't wait to hear how everything goes! Keep us posted and I'll be thinking of you!


      Congratulations! So jealous! Have fun starting your new life!
      Not to get clever
      but with you I see forever
      But whatever it is,
      Here's to you,
      I Love You Kid...


        I'm here. It's my second day. We have a few off days for ourselves until he goes back to work on monday.I have a few issues,mainly connected with the fact he's still / we're still with his parents and I will do my fair share of pushing towards going out living alone. It's not like he doesn't want to, but he is giving me impression that " yes, we will do it" sounds like it may happen it 10 years. Maybe that's the only problem I have. I will start courses in the language next week, so that's cool. Weather is pretty nice, makes me feel like back home a little bit. It's calm, to know I don't have to rush back home in few days,this time it's months. keep fingers crossed .


          I think it always takes some time to become acclimatised to a new environment, so don't worry, just take it one day at a time for now Wishing you all the best with settling in and starting your new life!


            Congrats! Nerves are totally normal. I'm sure everything will be great!

            "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

            Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.

