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Cold Feet 2 years later.....

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    Cold Feet 2 years later.....

    Hey! Ok so here is the deal. My boyfriend and I started dating when we were in high school but I am from Costa Rica and he is from the States. After I graduated I came back home and we decided to keep the relationship going. That was 2 years ago and we havenīt seen each other since. We have student budgets and itīs quite an expensive ticket. So finally after 2 years of being apart, my boyfriend is moving to Costa Rica next Saturday. He has a return ticket for August so nothing is technically set in stone, but we will be living together full time. I know Iīve had a long time to prepare for this but I just never thought that it would actually happen. Honestly I lost hope that I was going to see him again a long time ago so my brain isnīt quite believing the fact that I am less than a week away from seeing him. Iīm nervous that we will be very different or that he wonīt adjust to the country or that he wonīt be able to learn the language. Iīm nervous because Iīm less clingy than I used to be and I worry that he wonīt like that. Iīm pretty much nervous that it wonīt work. Itīs been a very long time and I donīt know how to react. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Georgina.

    I moved from the USA to live in Costa Rica with my boyfriend

    We hadn't spent much time with each other either, beforehand. Just a few visits and some skype calls. But we took the plunge. Now, over a year later, we are still very happily living together. Some couples find it hard the first couple months to figure out a routine that works, but stay patient and keep communication open and you guys will be living pura vida in no time!



      He should be fine with the language! Spanish is quite easy for us English speakers

      I lived together full-time with my GF for 3.5 months and it was brilliant. I'm sure you two will be fine.


        i feel u on this one, im kinda nervous about pretty much the same as u when he comes back from japan to the states, but ig like lucybelle said patience n communication open n thins will eventually fall in place


          i agree with lucybelle. it is normal to feel a bit nervous and maybe feel that you have changed so much since the beginning of the relastionship, but it will all turn out ok, just be patient and keep communication open

