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So Confused and Upset

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    So Confused and Upset

    My boyfriend and I have been dating for over two years now. The first year we were together, we were in the same place for college and then he had to move 10 hours away for optometry school. I am a year younger so I had to stay behind to finish school. We toughed out being long distant for 10 months! It went great, we talked a few times a day, skyped and were able to see each other about once a month! We were both so proud that we were doing so well long distant. BUT...this past week he moved back home for summer break so we are together in the same zip code again. The problem is, we cant stop arguing and before when we were in school together we never really argued. I am still 150% in our relationship and despite how young I am, think he is the one I am supposed to spend my life with. He however, feels unsure now because of the arguments we are getting into while being together FINALLY! He is saying we should just take things day by day and stop planning for the future (I planned to move to be with him when school is over). He is unsure if we are meant to be together but says, "I really want to make this work." I really have no idea if we can get back to that place and am so heartbroken, because the only person that stands in the way of that happening is him. What do I do? Why is he feeling this way? Please help if you can, I need an unbiased opinion! Thanks

    how old are you both sweety?
    Why do you want to move with hiim so fast? I have the feeling as you two need some time to get to know eachother again.. especially when people are young they tend to change with in a short period of time.. how about letting time past to see if it's working out? I can understand that you love him and want to spend every second with him, but he sees it maybe more clear and don't want to make such decisions until he is sure! and may I ask what the argues are about?
    don't stress yourself out.. just focus on school and the rest time will show


      Welcome to the forum

      I just want to say, don't worry so much! Obi and I fought like nothing else when we first closed the distance, but it passed. I think maybe you just need to get used to each other, learn what your new roles are, etc. No hurry! It will all sort itself out.
      Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


        What are you arguing about?


          hi welcome to the forum

          I think its great that you guys have come this far and moved to the same zip code and survived an LDR so awesomely. congrats on that, however about your issue i want to say this
          when you close the distance and move to the same zip code, you have to remember, you guys have always been LDR, reducing the distance and moving to the same zip code or moving in togther is not gonna be easy, you have to take things slow. you both have been used to living away from each other for so long and moving to the same zip code is absolutely an amazing experience but you have to remember that yes it is amazing but at the same time very intimidating! you both had alot of free time for ur selves when you both lives miles away, but when you live in the same zip code, it is not the same all of a sudden! and surely your SO is not used to this. he is used to having alot of space for himslef, and suddenly that space is reduced due to you and him living in the same zip code again. remeber you need to give him time to get used to this. the only reason he suggest that you and him take things slow and day by day is just because of that. he wants to take things slow. he doesnt want to talk things out and plan the future this soon. its not because he dont love you. guys always take their time with things like planning for the future. and yes you guys are still young.

          take things slow, give him space, and yes please stop planning things for now. just take things one day at a time. and about moving in with him after you complete school, i think you should just be patient about it, you are still young. you have all your life to plan ahead. for now just give him space, jst enjoy having him near you, go on dates, and have fun. eventually he will feel comforabtble with you ad him living in the same zip code and then he will initiate everything about moving in together and planning for the future
          for now dont worry too much. just let him be. and have fun.
          good luck

