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Best parts and hard parts

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    Best parts and hard parts

    So it's not official yet since I haven't received my financial aid package yet, but with any luck I will be going to the same school as my SO this fall! I'm a little worried people are going to judge me and say that I only picked that school for him, but I know that isn't true so hopefully I will just ignore their comments. I'm excited and nervous to close the distance, especially since it's a couple years sooner than we both thought!

    So I'm wondering... what was the best part about closing the distance and what was the hardest part?


    that is great I am hoping to go to the same collage as my SO too people judge and say i choose there only because of him, but its not true
    i think the hardest part about about closing the distance is we have to get used to being very patient the first few months after we close the distance.
    because we re used to having miles between our SO s and closing the distance removes all that distance so i think a lot of time needs to be given to our SO to adjust, so the state of the relationship needs to go back to as if i m dating him again, and give him space to adjust to the new situation. that is gonna be hard but being pateint will eventually reduce the fights

    i think the easiest thing about closing the distance is getting to meet each other so often, and sharing day to day life with no dustance, eating togther, and going on dates soo often, not just skype dates
    and communication would be much much more easier face to face rather than through a computer screen


      The people who might think you are only there for him aren't the ones the matter. The ones that do matter won't think that.


        I know I will have to move in a few years, and I know my SO is worth it, but i am already scared of the goodbyes that i will have to, will be hard to see my mother cry and i try not to think of it until the day has come.

        Another point is that there seem to be people who think you are moving/marrying for the greencard and what not...this is very annoying, i will only change my citizenship if i have to, and i am pretty happy with my current one The only reason i am willing to make the huge sacrifce of moving is because i know he is the one i want to stay with for the rest of my life, and because he cannot move for several reasons.

        But at the end, as already said, it doesn't matter what certain people think. If you guys are finally happily together, that's what matters!


          I was always embarrassed at first to say the reason I moved back to CR was for my SO. But now I like it. Who cares if people think you went there for your SO? As long as you guys are happy

          The best part- being with my SO.
          The worst part- being away from everything I grew up with.


            I haven't closed the distance yet (5 days!!) but I did move to the UK to be closer to my SO until we could close the distance. It's hard being away from my family, my friends and my dog, and all the random things from home that I miss... or like right now where it's 30 degrees celcius back home, and about 12 here...

            But I love being in a new place, having new things to see, new people to meet, new foods to try, new pubs, new restaurants, etc etc. And it's amazing getting to share that with my SO! I think one thing I'm most excited for is that I love to cook, and tell my SO "oh I'll make you that sometime!" but never get around to it... but now I've got the rest of my life to do that kind of thing!!

            It did bother me a bit when I first moved that people would think I was moving for my SO... but almost everyone said things like "That's so romantic!" I had already decided I'd move to Scotland before I met my SO, so I think that was why it bothered me a bit haha. I'm over that now though. Let them think what they want, you know why you're moving
            Last edited by kteire; June 13, 2012, 07:45 AM.

            Love will not betray you, dismay or enslave you, it will set you free

            Met: Cork, Ireland - December 31, 2009 • Started Dating: Cork, Ireland - May 22, 2010 • Became LD: July 15, 2010 • My Move From Canada to UK: October 26, 2011
            Closed the distance June 18, 2012!


              Best part: Being near them every day.
              Hardest part: The heartbreak of doubt.


                SO and I closed the distance on May 31. She came to my home state to drive us to her home state of VA. I'm pretty sure we are still in the honeymoon stage so I don't think I can comment on the little daily annoyances. I can say this, though. I love my SO with all my heart. I was, without a doubt, meant to be with her. However, I hate that it means I had to leave my family behind. I would give a lot for us all just to hang out on the weekend.

                The best thing has just been being with her. All the little dorky things matter so much. We all went grocery shopping last night and my son was tired, but just the ability to be able to do that with my little family was great. I love being with her, holding her, feeling her love and support. It's awesome.

