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Closing the Distance tomorrow!!! YAY

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    Closing the Distance tomorrow!!! YAY

    Tomorrow at 5 am I will start my 8 hour drive to close the distance between me and my SO. I am thankful that this has been a relatively short LDR (1 year and 4 months) because I was so depressed by the end that I became suicidal (I have mental health issues and see a therapist but it wasn't helping me much. My therapist simply couldn't make the distance go away). I ended up deciding to move a month before my actual move date because of my health. I am so much happier now knowing I get to be with my SO and no longer have to be ridiculed by my family.

    I also got accepted into a university in Ohio so me and my SO will remain close distance when I move 2+ hours away from his current hometown to go to college in Dayton, OH. Everything has fallen into place and I'm so happy that everyone says I'm glowing.

    I hope that other LDRs on here continue to fight the distance and one day are able to close the distance. Despite me not posting a lot this community has given me a lot of help with my relationship and growing it into a mature, long-lasting one. Thank you, LFAD. I couldn't have managed without you.

    Lots of love guys!

    Yay, what a relief

    Don't think you aren't welcome to hang around even though you're out of the darkness. You're still mighty welcome and your experience could really help others
    Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


      Congratulations on being able to close the distance. Not likely for me just yet but I'm hanging in there.

