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The Transition Period

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    The Transition Period

    Hello all,

    A few days ago my SO and I closed the distance. We did a two week long road trip, spent time with his family and friends, and now we are finally at our home city together. We are living separately, he is living with some friends while I am living with my dad.

    It is such a weird feeling. We have kind of been doing our own thing, but meeting up for lunches, or for me to spend the night. He went to a big party last night, and I had dinner with some friends, and we didn't text/talk with each other for that whole day and night.

    Does anyone have any tips/advice for this stage? It has only been a week we have been doing this, and it just feels odd - I suppose because we communicated so often when we were LDR and now it has stopped a bit because we will meet up during the day or for dinner, but just wondering how others felt during this "Transition" period between LDR/CDR.

    I'm looking for similar advice. My SO and I will be closing the distance in late August, so I'm trying to prepare myself!



      For us, it was opposite! We spent every day together for like 2 weeks and we fought all the time. We kinda smothered each other at first because I guess in my mind, I felt like he'd be going away again so I took advantage of all the time together. After about a month, we settled in nicely and now see each other a few times a week. We talk each day, also.

      "Do I love you? My God, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches."

      Like a drum, my heart never stops beating for you.


        I'm not sure, seeming I've never dated someone I didn't live with. But it's good to talk about how often you each expect to be in contact now and maybe set up a date night if yous are into that.
        Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person

