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23 Days To Go!!

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    23 Days To Go!!

    I just needed to share this good news!

    My SO will be moving from Italy to NYC to close the distance in 23 days!! The day is nearing, I cannot believe it! We've been apart since we've met: 3 and a half years of distance have been extremely difficult. The longest we've been together is 2 1/2 weeks. I last saw him 8 months ago. He is coming on sabbatical, so his job in Italy will be holding his position for one year while he takes up university here in NYC. But if he manages to find meaningful employment while he's here, he'll stay! If he doesn't, he'll move back to Italy after the year is up I really hope everything goes well, because not only will he have to find meaningful employment to stay, he must get residency as well. If he doesn't get a job that offers it, we'll apply for the diversity visa and hope for the best. We love each other but don't want to get married for papers; we want to get married when we're ready to make a lifelong commitment to one another. I say this now, but I love him so much that I may just marry him so he can stay and so we can be together. I'm extremely happy, excited, and scared that he's coming. One thing is to be long distance, and another thing is to be together day in and day out. I really feel that we're perfect for each other; I hope it turns out to be true. I know things may be difficult at times, but I'm ready. Super psyched to begin this journey with my love!! 23 days!!
    Last edited by Skye; August 1, 2012, 11:18 AM.

    That's so exciting you will close the distance soon! It will definitely be a great experience to spend more time together close distance after such a long time of distance. Good luck on all of your future plans! I hope your SO can find a job here.


      Awww! That is so awesome! Congrats I'm so happy to see another couple close the distance. It gives me hope that me and my SO will be able to close the distance when planned. The first obstacle we have to over come is me finding a job which has not been easy. I have been looking for six months now.

      "I love you and I've loved you all along and I miss you. Been far away for far too long."<3


        Oh my gosh! That's awesome . 23 days will probably feel more like 23 years!! Jaja!! Best of luck to you both. :P



          LOL! Yes these last few days seem longer than ever! Thank you for your good wishes
          Last edited by Skye; August 3, 2012, 11:08 PM.



            Thank you! Its great that you have an projected date to close the distance, it gives you both something to look forward to. That time will come sooner than you think! Time just flies. Stay motivated and focused in your job search, and network! Something will pull through soon
            Last edited by Skye; August 3, 2012, 11:11 PM.



              Thank you for your good wishes!

