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want to share the story of your first meeting? here is mine

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    want to share the story of your first meeting? here is mine

    He asked for 3 weeks vacation and we spent all of them together, he first came to my city for a few days and met my parents, I was extremely nervous but also very excited, I was not able to fall asleep at night and would wake up like at 4am, that is just how excited I was about him!

    Then we took a flight to Mexico city, once there we went on a road trip all around that area, let me tell you that being stuck in a car for hours with a crazy GPS that will get you lost in the middle of nowhere is a great way to get to know someone! haha After that he wanted to show me the city he grew up in so we went to the US, it was a long flight, then we took another flight to where his family lives and I met them, they are very nice people and were very kind to me (his mother even made a comment about me being the first girl he takes home), now I see why he turned out to be the amazing guy he is.

    With all that traveling you can imagine all kinds of thing happened to us, from funny to uncomfortable, romantic, silly and embarrassing! he got sick, then I got sick a couple of times, we also got to do more normal things like going to the movies or just be lazy and cuddle, the hotel we got in the city he grew up in had a kitchenette so I even got to cook for him, we had an argument due a misunderstanding but we cleared that up really fast and long story short it was just wonderful.

    We are planning on closing the distance permanently in February.

    `Nice story! I'm glad you had a good time with him!

