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Hoping to end the distance next summer, any advice?

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    Hoping to end the distance next summer, any advice?

    Im so happy that Jay and I have definite plans to close the distance next summer. He came to visit for 10 days and just left yesterday afternoon. Before he left, we talked about him moving to NY next summer. That is where i will be studying for the next four years. I am really exited about having him with me permanently. I feel like its a huge step towards the rest of our lives together.
    I just want to know, have you closed the distance or have any plans to, yet?
    What are some things we should plan for or talk about before moving in?

    Plan, replan, Plan again and when you think your allllll done planning and everything is in place double check and plan one more time.


      I just want to know, have you closed the distance or have any plans to, yet?

      We have pretty much plans already. I am looking for the right people to help us and preparing it already by phoning around and getting information. In my case it is a bit difficult, because he needs to know my language, then he needs to find work here in Austria and then he needs to ask for permission, if he can stay here in Austria. At the moment he is learning German, happily he is really fast in it and probably in 1-2 years we can finally live together. When we are at the point that he knows German, then we are more or less already living together, because he can move in right away and search for work. <3

      What are some things we should plan for or talk about before moving in?
      I can't tell, but i am talking about money pretty much with my SO, because we both want to be fair and pay the same amount. XD *facepalm*

      well, however: I am really happy for you, that you will live together then! It IS really exciting :3


        Talk about everything, seriously.
        Talk about who's doing what housework and how much notice you need to give each other before having friends over. Talk about how often you both expect to have sex, who is likely to be cooking dinner, and what kind of meals you'll have. (Food is a big part of life ) Talk about how you like to be treated when you've just gotten out of class or off work. Talk about money, bills and saving and see if your goals are similar. Talk about how you like to decorate, and what tv shows you want to watch. And don't forget the things you would like to do together (we found, having always been LD, that we didn't know how to hang out in person.). Talk about your morning routines - are you grumpy in the morning? does he sleep til mid-day? Will that piss you off if he does? What about breakfast?
        Seriously, if you can think of it, talk about it! It really helps you be prepared
        Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


          kirschlein: im happy for you guys. im glad that you are already making plans as well and thinking about all the things you'll need to do.
          Ja'Ron is learning how to speak spanish but that is mostly for us and for the benefit of him understanding my family lol. He plans to move with me and ill be in NY. The change will be tough since he has to find a job and everything too but it wont be as traumatizing as moving to another country.

          zephii: i believe you. i know that there are a thousand things that we still need to talk about. its difficult to find the time and seriously talk about everything though. im really exited and im def gonna start talking to him about the things we need to take care of. ill use the list you made me as a starting point =) thanks.


            My gf and I had plans definite plans to move in together and everything hit the roof once it got closer to the date cause the college city we were going to move to, that college rejected her then her sisters talked her into going to a community college a couple hours away from here and then my roommate decided she didn't want to move. I would advise for you not to get your hopes too high cause I did and when I figured out we weren't going to be living together it almost broke us up cause it fought all the time about it then I got the bomb shell that she was moving 3 hours away and it's just been a roough few months since, just be prepared for ANYTHING. Such as family telling him he can't, not being able to afford it, etc. Plan and prepare your butt off!!!
            Met: 1.20.09 (At School)
            Starting Dating: 5.22.09
            Been an LDR since: 8.17.10 (3 hours distance)
            Last Time I saw my SO: 10.02.10
            Next time I will see my SO: 10.14.10


              Once I graduate from college the plan is for me to move to Texas, which is where my boyfriend is

