Hi, I'm new to this forum but wish I had found it so much sooner!!
My bf moved to Australia about 6 months ago, with no return in sight
we tried long distance, but both really struggled so he broke up with me about a month ago as he did not think he'd be home. 3 weeks ago he slept with somebody else (the only friend he made out there) but the day after it happened told me what he did and how much it made him realise what we had. The day after that he booked his flight home - for good!
He's returning in 9 days!! And I'm so excited! But I'm also really scared too, I keep worrying that he'll decided he doesn't love me anymore or will end up with this girl he slept with (who lives very close to where we live) or that he'll go on his lads holiday (2 months time) and change his mind about us.
Is it normal to have these sort of worries about what your relationship will be like once your OH is home? We FaceTime almost everyday and talk for at least one hour everyday without fail! I just looking for some guidance or advice!
My bf moved to Australia about 6 months ago, with no return in sight

He's returning in 9 days!! And I'm so excited! But I'm also really scared too, I keep worrying that he'll decided he doesn't love me anymore or will end up with this girl he slept with (who lives very close to where we live) or that he'll go on his lads holiday (2 months time) and change his mind about us.
Is it normal to have these sort of worries about what your relationship will be like once your OH is home? We FaceTime almost everyday and talk for at least one hour everyday without fail! I just looking for some guidance or advice!