Hello I haven't been on this site for ages and I felt like I should come on to give you an update on me and my boyfriends situation so here goes.
In one of my last posts on here I said that we were having a bad time well we sorted that out and then had another bad time yes I know sounds bad we basicly split up for a second when I said I didn't want us to end so we both decided we really needed to sort something out because all of the mopey sad business we had going on with each other wasn't doing us any good and it was tearing us apart
. We both hated this, I knew he didn't want to move to the land of Englishness haha he thought us English people were not very friendly which I totally get because I'm from the south and especially where I am from the people can be really stand offish, don't really talk to each other so the other option we were thinking of was that I would move to Australia to be with him. I had always wanted to live in Australia so it was easy for me to say I would go without really thinking about it however I did think about it, my friend from work kept telling me I should go so I thought some more and decided I would go.
We looked at a partner visa but we couldn't apply for that as we needed to live together for 12 months and even though we have been together for nearly 3 years we hadn't lived together for that long so we couldn't go for that visa so instead I looked into going over on a working holiday visa which will give us our 12 months and to see if we will work out the way we want to. After that we can then apply for the partner visa hoping we will still be together. I am now applying for the working holiday visa and am hoping to go in June. It scarey as it's a big thing for me to do and very exciting at the same time.. I am quite nervous about it but I know it's the right thing to do.
Today I told my work about it and now it feels real.. things are actually moving on for us instead of feeling like we are trapped in a big hole not knowing how to get out and it feels really good
In one of my last posts on here I said that we were having a bad time well we sorted that out and then had another bad time yes I know sounds bad we basicly split up for a second when I said I didn't want us to end so we both decided we really needed to sort something out because all of the mopey sad business we had going on with each other wasn't doing us any good and it was tearing us apart

We looked at a partner visa but we couldn't apply for that as we needed to live together for 12 months and even though we have been together for nearly 3 years we hadn't lived together for that long so we couldn't go for that visa so instead I looked into going over on a working holiday visa which will give us our 12 months and to see if we will work out the way we want to. After that we can then apply for the partner visa hoping we will still be together. I am now applying for the working holiday visa and am hoping to go in June. It scarey as it's a big thing for me to do and very exciting at the same time.. I am quite nervous about it but I know it's the right thing to do.
Today I told my work about it and now it feels real.. things are actually moving on for us instead of feeling like we are trapped in a big hole not knowing how to get out and it feels really good
