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10 days and 2 suitcases

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    10 days and 2 suitcases

    I'm moving from the US to Chile in 10 days! Yay.. but how the heck am I supposed to fit everything I want in 2 50lb suitcases!?! I actually love the idea of only owning about 2 suitcases full and have found blogs about being a minimalist (like this one Anyways, I guess you really realize what is important when you move, its all about going to be with my SO.. I don't need 10 sweaters! I'm also finally getting rid of all the stuff that has been at my parents since I went away for college, I don't want stuff in storage here, my life will start somewhere new soon, the idea of not having material ties to California just less stressful in deciding to move to Chile..
    Dont really know why I wrote about this.. just some thoughts.. cheers!

    It's great that you have a catalyst to clear everything out! I'm a great procrastinator so if I don't have deadlines for things they just don't get done. I so need to de clutter, think I need to call in my sister to supervise the effort.


      Yay for moving to Chile! haha I don't have any other advice just only bring the things that are the most importante to you =D

      Treasuretrooper <-- how I helped pay for some of my LDR expenses when I was in one.


        I moved 3 years worth of life in two suitcases 2 years ago. I only wanted to say - it's possible!
        I was very strict to myself and made a deal with myself to only keep things that I actually wear on a regular basis, and stuff that have significant emotional value to me. Everything else that was old and ugly I threw away, stuff that was still wearable and usable I gave to my friends. I called them up to come over and choose whatever they like. Things that remained I gave away to Salvation army.
        I kept: clothes I wear regularly, photos, books that I read and use, some knick knacks that are important to me, documents. Everything else had to go.
        Also, I would recommend you get those Space bags - those things are awesome. You can fit lots of winter clothes and jackets that are not heavy but take a bunch of space in the suitcase comfortably.
        Good luck with packing; it's a stressful job, but it's possible, and you'll feel so proud when you're done... hehehe


          Thanks for the advice.. if only I had winter clothes to pack, Yin Yang!! I was in San Diego California the last 3 years.. I'm gonna freeze my butt off in Santiago!




              SO exciting - congratulations!

              and good luck with the packing...!


                Good luck with everything!


                  I loved going through things and getting rid of things I just didn't need anymore when I moved. I lost a lot of weight after I started dating Kevin, and when I moved I had SOOOO many clothes that were just 6 sizes TOO big. It felt good to donate my "Fat clothes" and move just the bare essentials. I have a few things at my parents house that I couldn't force myself to get rid of but I suppose I will have to sooner or later. Good luck =)


                    2 suitcases? Man, i am impressed. I don't own a lot but i still think i'll need at least 5 but then again i can't really throw away any of my clothes xD

                    Good luck with it. =)


                      Congrats on the move, that's a serious step!!
                      Met: 1.20.09 (At School)
                      Starting Dating: 5.22.09
                      Been an LDR since: 8.17.10 (3 hours distance)
                      Last Time I saw my SO: 10.02.10
                      Next time I will see my SO: 10.14.10


                        Congrats on soon closing the distance!!!! YAY!
                        NY to Texas Married on...August 17th, 2013


                          Did you make it safely? Let us know how you're doing!

                          LFAD Book Challenge: 34/100 Complete

