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closing the distance after 9 years!

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    closing the distance after 9 years!

    I met this boy in Hawaii 9 years ago during a softball tournament. I was 15 and just happened to be staying in a hotel as the Australian baseball team. Of course I was immediately obsessed with their accents and pretty much spent the whole time hanging around with a bunch of them. After the week we exchanged addresses/emails and kept in touch. After a couple months there was one that I really only talked to and we have been exchanging letters/emails/facebook all that since and since I never had a bunch of money, we were never really able to meet up in person. Recently this summer he took an american tour vacation and just happened to be able to meet up. I've never felt as immediate of a connection with anyone. I wound up spending a week with him and it's crazy how well we get along. He's at a really good position in his life with work and everything and of course as a recent grad I haven't been able to find a job yet. We talked a lot together about but couldn't really figure out anything since I'm broke! But he suggested a working holiday visa and moving in with him so I don't have to live with my brother anymore. I finally got accepted for my visa and am moving in with him in about 3 weeks.

    I am so nervous but excited. We skype and text all the time since he's gone back home, but I can't help but wonder what I should expect. Is moving in too big of a first step? This is a great life change and I've always wanted to move out of America, but I think I'm just nervous this may be too much too fast...

    Any comments?

    I am so happy for you! It*s so nice to have such a beautiful connection with him. Me and my SO will meet for the first time in September and I TRULY HOPE we will spend a week just as beautiful as you two had. How do you feel in your heart about moving to Australia? What does your gut tell you? Do you think that you can have a beautiful relationship with him over there? Is this your first week spent together??? If so, than I believe you should not rush things and you should try to find a job in your town and then maybe you will have the money to visit him and see how things evolve (I believe spending one week with a person is not enough to define him)... If I were you I would wait and see how the relationship was going, and then, if everything went great you could move to Australia. If he cares for you he must understand!
    In my situation, my SO invited me to visit him after 3 weeks of relationship and I said it was too early and I wasn*t prepared and he understood, telling me that I will come when I will be ready.
    But, if you decided to move in with him already (as you already have your visa) I wish you all the best. I know it*s not easy moving away from your home town to a different country, different culture, but hope everything turns out great for you!!!
    I wish you all the luck in your love relationship!
    Last edited by alizee; August 18, 2013, 01:32 AM.


      In the 9 years of you knowing him, were you guys at least platonic before meeting? If so, I don't see much wrong with it. My only advice would be to not let your romantic relationship with him overshadow your previous friendship. Sometimes it makes things a little weird but I think the best kind of relationships are those that started off as friendships! It will be scary moving to another country, but everything in life that's exciting and worth living for starts of being scary. Enjoy it while you're young.


        Thank you guys. I am very excited about the move and living in a new culture. We have the greatest friendship so I think it would only make our romantic one better. But I am also nervous of it being ruined completely. He's been helping me a lot through this too since he knows its a big change. It's getting to the point where I'm more excited as time comes closer than nervous. Thanks for the good wishes.


          I am wishing you again all the best! It*s so great that he is helping you with the move and I also hope he is an emotional support to you - as this type of move can be nerve wrecking!!! Hopefully, if everything goes well between my SO and me, I will have to move to be with him, but it will be just moving to another city in the same country. But still it will be a move! But first we will have to meet for the first time in September and I am so nervous/ happy/excited/ fearful about our meeting. It*s a mix of feelings ant I am telling you it*s not easy to deal with mentally! This has never happened to me before!
          Please, keep us posted with your impressions on moving to another country!
          Hugs&Kisses to you!!!


            Wow 9 years! What a cute story <3 Of course moving in is a big step but since you don't have a job to lose and you have the opportunity I'd say go for it <3 If anything goes wrong you could go back anytime right? (:
            I wish you all the best!


              Ohh which part of Australia are you coming to??
              I think after 9 years of knowing/ speaking to someone you should be fine as long as you both have the same view on where the friendship/ relationship is going...
              And if it doesn't work out atleast you took the shot...

              There was an ad campaign in the Northern territory (AUS) that's slogan was "You'll never never know, if you never never go!" Which I think suits you perfectly

              Good luck and keep us Posted

              Ps. Welcome to the most amazing country on Earth


                alizee: thanks! believe me, meeting after talking for so long is the craziest feeling ever. Hopefully for you it will work for the best and you will finally get to move and make things finally work out!!!

                I have the best family in the world so if anything doesnt work out they would all gladly help me move back.

                And I'm moving to sydney. I'm quite exciting I've heard so many good things about the country.

