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Moving in 3 months!

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    Moving in 3 months!

    My army boy and I have been together 6 months (long distance for all except the first couple of weeks). In 3 months I'll be moving from Sydney to Brisbane, where he is currently posted. Could not be more excited

    This is the question: Do I move with all my furniture? Or sell it/give it away and start fresh up there?

    It depends on how you're travelling. It may cost more to bring all of your furniture than to buy all new furniture. If it's by land I'd say bring your furniture. You don't have to bring it all though, just the essentials. I'd travel light


      Given that in the wide scheme of things you guys live quite close, I would go with bringing the bits of furniture and important appliances etc that he might not have himself, or could do with an upgrade. You could probably even take the things that you really just don't want to part with - but you don't want to double up too much on furniture because it'll just end up costing you when you'll probably end up ditching it anyway. I say you too are quite close cause I'm from Perth, and if I was moving to Sydney I wouldn't want to spend heaps and heaps on freight to the other side of Australia, but I think it'd make sense for you to take as much as you can really. Saves money down the road!

      Best of luck with it all!


        Thanks guys
        He lives on base so he really doesnt have anything. So it will probably be essentials and I'll part with some of the unnecessary things I've collected.. like a forced and super intense spring clean.

        I think we're going to hire a one of the removal vans that you can pick up in the starting city and drop off at the destination.
        Although any advice is definitely appreciated! This is my first big move so I'm a total novice when it comes to navigating distance with more than a suitcase.


          I don't know if this is possible or not, but for my long distance move, I chose a pod service that basically delivers a huge weather proof metal box that allows me to pack my 2 bedroom condo. Once packed, they come pick it up and ship it to my new place which is 100.3 miles away from where I currently live.

          The positive is that all I have to do is pack everything up and they pick it up and ship it. The negative is that it is EXPENSIVE!!! However it's the only option I have. Perhaps you could do something like that?

          If not, only take the essentials with you.

