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Should i use unemployment to close distance?

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    Should i use unemployment to close distance?

    Hi all
    I am currently In a situation where my contract within my current job ends November 30th. It was a temporary 11month contract and good experience. It helped me to close the distance from being 4hrs apart to just 2hrs apart.

    Originally I was happy enough to stay within my current company, I went for a permanent job for my current position, got turned down and then had two interviews for different departments. Its not like I didn't try, I really did. Due to issues with HR, I have yet to hear back about my future in the company. So I have started to look elsewhere for this time more permanent positions.

    Today a job was posted in a really good company, which is permanent came up where Shane lives. Now Shane has another year and half to go off Uni, so next year the relationship would be long distance again. So all seems good.

    Part of me does not want to move to where he is as I think it might be a bit too soon and we are bit young (he is 20 and I am 23). However it is a very good opportunity to me and I think I might just work where he is and live elsewhere.

    Ideally I would wind up with a job which is permanent and closer to Shane but perhaps not in the same city as Shane. As I don't want to look like crazy girlfriend. At the same time I do need a job.

    Before you ask, the job situation is terrible where I am from. The whole reason I am living in where I am now is because I just couldn't get work at home. There seems to be more opportunities in general here.

    Ask yourself this: Would you take the job if you weren't dating Shane?

    If so, don't feel like you're a 'crazy girlfriend' or anything if you do get this job after all. I highly recommend that you DON'T remove this job opportunity to petty insecurities.


      I'd go for it. The best thing about being young is being able to make big mistakes that won't ruin your life. Move. If it all goes to hell, you're young enough to pick up the pieces and start again. Best wishes


        I agree.
        If the job is something you really want to go for then do it! You said yourself that it's hard to find jobs and if you do find one, don't turn it down because you don't want to seem too clingy.

        Relationship began: 05/22/2012
        First Met: 03/21/2013 - 03/30/2013
        Second Visit: 06/06/2013 - 08/21/2013 ~ Proposal: 07/06/2013 ♥
        Third Visit: 10/09/2013 - 01/08/2013
        Closed the distance: 11/20/2014 ♥
        Married: 1/24/2015
        Became Resident: 9/14/2015


          Originally posted by lucybelle View Post
          The best thing about being young is being able to make big mistakes that won't ruin your life
          I like this, wish I believed it most days.

          OP I think you should just follow your gut. Do what you feel is right, always. Never ever compromise in these types of situations. It's your life.


            Hello there! Almost three months ago I made the decision to apply for jobs near my s/o. Originally it would of made us 3.5 hrs away vs the 14.5 we are now. The reason I began looking for a new job was because I was in a dead end position with no chance of promotion whatsoever.

            I found this great opportunity that would not only make us closer, but was a promotion for me and opportunity for professional growth. Yes, it is closer to my s/o which is about 40% of the reason I accepted the job, but I also know that if things didn't work out between us, although it would hurt like hell, I'd eventually be okay as I can picture myself living there with or without him. Now he actually found a job near my new job and we are in the process of closing the distance as well as moving to a new city :-)

            The bottom line of my long (sorry!) post is to think about other things as far as the job opportunity is concerned. Don't worry about looking crazy, instead think about whether or not you could live and work in that area if things don't work out with your partner and if the job is a good opportunity for you. I hope it all works out and you find employment soon!!


              I'm with the others-do it!

              Met online: 1/30/11
              Met in person: 5/30/12
              Second visit: 9/12/12
              Closed the distance: 1/26/13!!!


                I think the ones above are all great answers.
                Picture yourself in that job and if you like what you see, go for it. Consider the fact that your SO lives there only a plus (but be secretly super happy about it).


                  How does he feel about it?
                  "Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. "
                  Benjamin Franklin


                    You've been together a year, you're not a crazy girlfriend for living in the same city as him. Now, if you packed up your stuff and showed up on his doorstep with no job, no home and no savings like one of my mates did to her SO, then yeah, you're probably crazy Seriously, you're fine, if you want the job, why not knock out two birds with one stone?
                    Happily married to the little Canadian boy I never thought I'd meet in person


                      Thanks guys! I thought long and hard about it last night and I am going to go for it! My manager said herself that the company are great to work for. It would be a permanent position which would be handy too. If all comes to all, and Shane and I do break up, then I always have the option of moving to Belfast and stay working this job. I have a lot of friends in Belfast too so all would not be lost.

                      This is too much of a good opportunity within a good company for me not to apply.
                      Wish me luck :P


                        Good luck

                        I would go for it in your situation.


                          I got the closing date wrong

                          Well, turns out, I got the closing date wrong by two years =(. I just got a little over excited.

                          I have however applied for a job which is also permanent and in a brilliant company ( I get excited just thinking about them) which is a 30 minute drive or 1x 45 minute bus ride away from Shane. Which is still better than the current 1 and 30 hr drive and the 2 hr train journey. I also have an interview lined up with another company in the new year for a better position which is also only around 30 minutes from Shane too. So fingers crossed for something.

                          I am incredibly unhappy with my current job situation. The company I work have treated me terribly. I think I would prefer to move to somewhere around 20-40 minutes away from Shane instead of fully closing the distance. The reason being is we are still both young and next year he will be in University so I sort of don't want to give too much of my heart if you understand me.

                          My dream in life right now is to get a permanent laboratory technician a bit closer to shane. That way when he finishes university and if he wants to emigrate (we have discussed this) then I will have an excellent CV and hopefully won't have too much trouble getting a better job then.

