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    Alrighty, I will try to keep this as short as possible. My SO moved to Auckland at the beginning of this year to offer his mother emotional support, and in exchange she will help to support him financially through his course that is exclusive to Auckland. He moved six weeks after we got together. Auckland has not been kind to him-- he misses his friends, and employment has been next to impossible to find. It doesn't help that they live so far out of the city centre that by the time he drives there he's spending over half his paycheck on petrol. I think that despite his sunny disposition he's become a little depressed.

    A few days ago he visited for a week. He was a happy choppy, and long story short I suggested that he move back here for three months until his course starts and I move up with him. In five days we are closing the distance, and he'll be living with my family and me. Holy crap!! It's mental to think that our count down went from 84 to 5 over night. I think it's a very smart move for us. Our relationship has been all or nothing up until this point-- either we are almost obsessively spending all of our time together over three- four concentrated days, or we're skyping for an hour each night. There has been very little middle ground, and if living together is not going to work for us then I would much rather find that out now.

    It's just frickin' mental! My brain can barely compute the fact that we're about to close the distance. I can't help but feel incredibly nervous for what it will be like when the honey moon phase ends-- a phase that has most definitely been stretched out, considering how little physical time we have spent together throughout the course of our relationship. Nervous but very, very excited. I may be about to start my life together with my soul mate, or I may be not far off discovering that it's not meant to be. Relationship Roulette!

    Wow! Sounds great and I can understand that you are nervous!
    I hope all goes well.


      That's great news I hope all goes well for the both of you

      *Distance isn't an obstacle when it comes to love, but rather a great reminder on just how strong true love can be*

      We're engaged 2014 - save $$, 2015 - get married, 2016 - make the big move!

