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Closing the distance and compromise?

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    I think both should be willing to compromise and also be quite open minded about what the future might hold. Because I have spent the first part of our relationship visiting him, he's coming to me to get married. We are planning to stay in Australia through the prospective marriage visa and into the partner visa process. Depending how it goes for my SO to find work and how he settles in we are hoping to save up money and then spend some time travelling together

    After this time we are both quite open to decide later what our long term plans are. I am open to live in egypt short term, or for us to stay here for the next few years to establish ourselves as a couple. We have both decided to live in Australia when we have school age kids, but before this I would love to raise young children in egypt with his parents and family around to help.

    Both of us realise this may not happen the exact way we have planned due to a wide range of factors, and we are both happy to discuss and decide what is best for us at the time and long term. As long as we put our relationship first I know we will make the right decisions.

