My ex and I was in LDR for 2 years. In these 2 years he did try to stay in touch with me but I went to NC because I was hurt. He kept reminding me that he likes me and he always think about me.
Now I moved closer to him and he wanted me to visit him and I finally did. We spent time together for a week and I didn't ask him about the past or about serious stuff.
I think he still likes me. But, he has a new gf and he seem confuse.
He hug me, he told me he missed me, he is willing to take few days off from work to drive me around, he's worried when I came home late, he remembered my favorite foods, he prepared dinner for me, he said I'm the best, he hold my hand and always sneakingly take a look at me when I'm looking at somewhere else (which I actlly don't), he rub my hair when I fell asleep...
but, after the 3rd day, he suddenly become so quiet. I know he must be thinking about something but I don't wanna ask him what.
He suddenly distant himself from me when we walk. He stop holding my hands and less talkative but he always sneakingly hug be from behind. He told me he likes my smell (ever since we first met 2 years ago he always tell me that).
When I'm back in London (he's in Germany), he called me to make sure I'm safe. but after that he didn't really send me texts anymore.
I don't know why he suddenly become quiet. what did I do wrong? what should I do?
I think I still like him and I know he has a new gf but I want to be with him again. and he's the one who wanted to meet
He is close to me now but I feel him getting more distant from me
Need your advice
My ex and I was in LDR for 2 years. In these 2 years he did try to stay in touch with me but I went to NC because I was hurt. He kept reminding me that he likes me and he always think about me.
Now I moved closer to him and he wanted me to visit him and I finally did. We spent time together for a week and I didn't ask him about the past or about serious stuff.
I think he still likes me. But, he has a new gf and he seem confuse.
He hug me, he told me he missed me, he is willing to take few days off from work to drive me around, he's worried when I came home late, he remembered my favorite foods, he prepared dinner for me, he said I'm the best, he hold my hand and always sneakingly take a look at me when I'm looking at somewhere else (which I actlly don't), he rub my hair when I fell asleep...
but, after the 3rd day, he suddenly become so quiet. I know he must be thinking about something but I don't wanna ask him what.
He suddenly distant himself from me when we walk. He stop holding my hands and less talkative but he always sneakingly hug be from behind. He told me he likes my smell (ever since we first met 2 years ago he always tell me that).
When I'm back in London (he's in Germany), he called me to make sure I'm safe. but after that he didn't really send me texts anymore.
I don't know why he suddenly become quiet. what did I do wrong? what should I do?
I think I still like him and I know he has a new gf but I want to be with him again. and he's the one who wanted to meet

He is close to me now but I feel him getting more distant from me
Need your advice