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Moving SOON!! :O

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    Moving SOON!! :O

    Okay, so I didn't think I would be moving till summer-ish. Well, my dad offered to give me the money I need to move and I want to try to do it by April 1. Yikes. I have to find an apartment from across the country. Am I being unrealistic?

    It might be difficult to find an apartment and get the lease signed, but I've done the same in about this amount of time (not from across the country). I hope you succeed. Congratulations!


      If I were you, I'd go visit the places before you sign a lease. Especially if you are moving somewhere you have never been before. Go and ask questions like where the mall is, how far from the grocery store are you, etc. You'll want to consider commute times. Though, where are you moving to? Do you have a job lined up, or are you planning on finding one once you get there? If you don't have a job yet, take a longer trip and see if you can get interviews and do apartment hunting while you are there.

      I don't think moving in just over 2 weeks is reasonable, especially since it doesn't sound like you have done much planning. However, if you're set on moving on April 1, lol into putting your stuff in storage and find an extended stay hotel. That way you have somewhere to sleep and can look for apartments.

      2016 Goal: Buy a house.
      Progress: Complete!

      2017 Goal: Pay off credit card debt
      Progress: Working on it.

