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Closing the distance after boyfriend graduates college?

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    Closing the distance after boyfriend graduates college?

    Hello all -

    Still pretty new here and hoping to get some advice My boyfriend and I have been in a LDR for over 1.5 years now and he will be graduating in the next month or so. We've talked about moving in together after he graduates but never talked about a 'timeline' for when that could happen. He's mentioned he doesn't want me to stop my life and just up and leave a job for him. The thing is, right now, I'm in a transition period from leaving my current job and searching for a more rewarding one that's actually in my field. I don't see how we can close the distance without one of us making a sacrifice to get it done. Any advice? Anyone experience anything similar?? HELP


    I would say, since you are already planning on leaving your job and finding a better one, why dont you try to find a job where he lives?
    In a LDR you have to make sacrifices if you wanna live together. One of you guys have to give some things up. If its okay for you to live further away from your friends and family, i would say that this is the right time because you were already planning on leaving your job to find a more rewarding one
    With you or with no one.


      I agree with the above poster. If you can show him that it will actually advance your career, that you'll only be making the more normal LDR sacrifices, he might be more okay with it. I would double check and make sure you are on the same page and both ready for that commitment. I would try and have that timeline discussion if I were you.

