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Help please help

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    Help please help

    I would need help from you please guysssss
    I'm in the situation that I'm Swiss and working in the UK and my bf is Indian and studying in Turkey.

    We are looking for a solution to get together in the UK as I can't leave it because of my job.

    Somebody could have any advices for us ?
    He is finishing next year his master. Then to carry his studies in the UK it is very expensive and scholarship are quite challenging. And you can't get a job without having a permit or being there and having a job already.....
    Any idea ? Any suggestion ?
    Please guys... Anything could help

    Thanks loaddssssss

    have you met in person already? sounds like it would be easier for him to make the trip on a holiday since he is still a student.

    If you have met already and you are talking about closing the distance for a few months or permanently, sounds like he should look into a job in the UK that handles the permit, he can start looking right now and by the time he is done with his masters he might be all set up, unless he is dead set on going further with his studies... in that case he should work his butt off to gain a scholarship.

    I know I am making it sound like he should do all the effort but it's only because you made it sound like you are not willing to relocate, you could help him with his expenses, let him stay with you so he doesn't have to pay rent and things like that since you are already saving a bunch of money by not visiting anyways, explain this to him if he feels uncomfortable with it.


      Job or study is going to be the only option as you're not even a UK / EU citizen yourself.


        Yessss we have already met and stayed together in the UK as we met here. I see I see. I think you are right, these are the only options possible.
        Boost himself for a scholarship, an then I give a hand for the expenses.
        Otherwise be enough lucky to get a job which allow international people to work. Hopefully hopefully. Yes unfortunately I can't move anywhere else than the UK.

        I need to make myself sure of the rules for international people to come and work or study .....
        What permit does he need to get

        Thanks a lot !!!! :-)


          Switzerland is concerned as part of the EU in those types of case.... Would you have any suggestion in this situation?? Thankssssss


            Originally posted by nadia.muso View Post
            Switzerland is concerned as part of the EU in those types of case.... Would you have any suggestion in this situation?? Thankssssss
            I don't know about Switzerland for certain. The rules have all just been tightened up: is the best place to start.


              Ohh perfect. Than you I will have a look definitely... Hopefully gonna guide me a bit


                He should also be making an effort to find this information, it might even be easier to find it in his own language so make sure you are not doing all the work.


                  Sure, no worries,
                  We are looking both on our side and might find the solution. But we are both willing to close the distance... And doing equal efforts

