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Relocation Issues

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    Relocation Issues

    I'm wondering if anyone has any advice in how to win a relocation court case? I want to move my 8 year old daughter with me to live with my fiancé and his two kids. Any tips on how to win the case?

    How far is the distance you are trying to relocate to? When I relocated to CA to get married, my children stayed in NH during the school year and came to CA for the summer and vacations. The judge decided it would not be fair the the girls to relocate them from the rest of the family, their friends, their school, etc for a majority of the year. Because we had joint physical and legal custody at the time, the judge gave him primary physical and we had joint legal. My daughters were 13 and 14 at the time. 18 months later I was back in NH because I couldn't deal with being away from them and ended up getting a divorce.

    Unless you can prove how it will be more beneficial to remove her from everything she has known or if you already have primary physical custody, it's going to be a hard case to win.
    To those who dream, nothing is ever far away.

    ​Distance is to love as wind is to fire. It blows out the little ones and fans the big ones.

