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What things will you have to get used to when you close the distance?(culture wise)

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    What things will you have to get used to when you close the distance?(culture wise)

    I was thinking about this lately and for me as I am moving from England to America, specifically Minnesota, I was thinking the last couple of days what things will I have to get used to when I live there permanently? Well it isnt actually that many things at all, I love American Culture already and I know generally most of the phrases and words differences for example.

    I know in Minnesota in winter it can get as cold as -20C which is around -28F and in England we never get temperatures that cold, we have mild winters. So the freezing temperatures of Minnesota will be completely new to me and I will think I am in the Arctic, lets hope I don't get froze bite lol, I will be happy about a white Christmas every year though. But I have been told so many times that it will get boring having snow on the ground when it has been there for 4 months, I can imagine it will for sure, but a white christmas is a joy to me! As we are lucky if we ever get snow in England, sometimes in February though.

    Then the second thing I will have to get used to is they drive on the right in America, even for a pedestrian it is confusing, like one time I couldn't remember which side of the road I needed to wait for the bus lol.

    Next it would be how friendly Americans are, that they chat to people and want to get to know you, British people are more reserved and keep to themselves, I think it's a great thing though that Americans do that

    Then my final thing is how huge America is, like in England you can walk to like another town easily but in America one road feels like it can go on for hours, that happened to me once when I tried walking instead of getting a bus. Also the beach is only an hour or 2 away from my home in England and in America where I will live it will be like 10 hours away, and would be quicker to fly there.

    So what things will you have to get used to when you move to close the distance? Culture, language, traditions etc.
    Last edited by vicks5721; December 7, 2014, 09:17 PM.

    There was literally the exact same thread on this posted within the last few days.

