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Valentines Day

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    Valentines Day

    I am abit sad today as we had originally thought I would be in America by now by January, but there was a delay which can happen when you least expect it, anyway so it is Valentine's day and we just got done skyping and I miss him so much, I wish I could be there right now to spend the day with him. This is my first Valentines day in years, but then again I am keeping myself busy it is just one day, but love is for everyday!! Soon I have my interview at the US embassy on 3rd March to get my K1 Fiance Visa and then I will move there to be with my SO soon after!! So missing Valentines this year is okay, as we will have many more in the future when we close the distance and we will have everyday to show each other how much we love one another. I do get sad though at times thinking how close distance couples can go out for a romantic meal etc while I am still here in England with my love 4000 miles away!

    Aww...hang in there! Immigration is unpredictable as you are experiencing so you have to be flexible. The delay won't matter as much when you get the visa grant in the end. I'm at the airport at the moment, enroute to my fiancé (will get there tomorrow), but Valentine's Day was yesterday in his country. We have decided to have our own Valentine's Day on Tuesday.

    Met Online : July 2013
    Met in person : April - May 2014 (3 wks)
    2nd visit : June - August 2014 (2 months)
    3rd visit : December - Jan (2wks)
    Proposal : December 2014
    Closed distance : February 2015
    Married : April 5, 2015

