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Closing the distance on a whim! Why the **** not???

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    Closing the distance on a whim! Why the **** not???

    I've been with my SO since September 2014, and met him for the first time June 16. We decided on a whim for me to go down there. All I'm taking with me is some clothes and my computer. I'm staying here for another couple weeks to save up a few hundred bucks to get me through on the little things until I find a job down there, which won't be too difficult, the place is filled with "Now Hiring" signs. The plan is for me to leave the second week of August, and I am so excited.

    Have any of you ever closed the distance on a whim? Our distance is only 800 miles so it's not like I'm flying out of country, but still. This is exciting! I love spontaneity.

    I've only closed the distance once. We met in person 3 times before the move and had been dating 7 months when I moved. 14 months later, I moved back home and we divorced about a year after that. He's a wonderful guy but it ended up that I really should have spent a lot more time visiting and getting to know the area first. There was a lot of culture shock and honestly, a lot of homesickness for me.

    I'll be closing the distance for the second time hopefully next year. We'll have been together over 2 1/2 years by then and there will have been multiple visits between us. I feel much more confident and secure in this move.

    Good luck!
    To those who dream, nothing is ever far away.

    ​Distance is to love as wind is to fire. It blows out the little ones and fans the big ones.


      You are at an age/place in your life when doing things like these - uprooting your life with little to no consequences - are doable. Unfortunately for a lot of people on this site, other responsibilities come in the way of packing up and leaving, although I'm sure a lot of people wish they could!

      I personally uprooted my life to move countries to be with someone. The relationship died a year and a half afterwards, and it was incredibly difficult to figure life out in a new country all by myself, but it forged me into the person I am today. Later, I got into another LDR. I couldn't move because I had to finish college, and he didn't move to me even though his job would have allowed him to work from home anywhere in the states. We ended up breaking up too, so it's probably a good thing neither one of us moved

      Anyway, I wish you the best of luck with your move! It sounds very exciting.
      So, here you are
      too foreign for home
      too foreign for here.
      Never enough for both.

      Ijeoma Umebinyuo, Diaspora Blues


        Yep, I did with my ex, and we did it purely because we hated living with my dad. We moved back to his parents place and we ended up breaking up just due to lack of communication and issues about our future. I moved back home to be with my dad and my now SO understands that while I'd love nothing more than to move up there to be with him, I need to finish my degree first xD

        Best of luck to you, love! Definitely do your research about the area and if possible, start putting in applications, or at least calling and seeing about the process. It'll make the transition there that much smoother


          Since you are only 18, you are not only moving to your SO but also moving out from your parents place. And I take it he is older and has a fully furnished home you can move right into.

          I would love to just pack up some clothes and a computer and go live with SO. In fact after having known him eight months and visited five times ,I sort of did! He moved out of the dorm he has been staying with his workmates and we rented this oldfashioned, beautiful place together. We still do. But I also have another home in another country. The upkeep of two homes is expensive even if this flat is cheaper. I can't fully move because I have a job, own a flat and most of my social life is back home. We still don't know how to do this in the end, but we agree that living together part time has been very useful to us. I now know him in ways that would have been hard to do in a hotel or even a hotel flat where we couldn't keep our things. I love being in our home with him.
          I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
          - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

          "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits


            this is so exciting! fingers crossed that all will work out just the way you want to!


              Originally posted by lovedrreid View Post
              I've been with my SO since September 2014, and met him for the first time June 16. We decided on a whim for me to go down there. All I'm taking with me is some clothes and my computer. I'm staying here for another couple weeks to save up a few hundred bucks to get me through on the little things until I find a job down there, which won't be too difficult, the place is filled with "Now Hiring" signs. The plan is for me to leave the second week of August, and I am so excited.

              Have any of you ever closed the distance on a whim? Our distance is only 800 miles so it's not like I'm flying out of country, but still. This is exciting! I love spontaneity.
              OMG! I'm so freakin jealous lol! I have thought of doing that several times with SO. I say go for it! Life is about taking risks and If you love each other then why not? I'm a big planner, and i have to admit that the best things in my life have happened as a result of being spontaneous and not getting too caught up in my own head. Rather i followed my heart and i never regretted it. The greater the risk, the greater the reward! Best of luck and please keep us posted


                I've been with my boyfriend for almost 5 months and it has been an incredible journey so far. We only live about 95 miles apart, but what gets in the way are our work schedules. We really want to be close to each other and just last night, I mentioned moving up to Washington to be closer to him. We discussed it for a while and are both extremely excited for it happen. I've lived in Oregon just over 5.5 years after moving from Nebraska to be closer to my boyfriend turned husband (divorced now obviously). I have a well established career and have to commute which I'm perfectly ok with. I don't have any family here and have one close friend so in all honesty, I have nothing keeping me here. I do have a 12 year old and she would have to get accustomed to whole different school and make friends which, at that age, isn't awfully hard. But if I'm gonna move, I need to do it before she's in high school so she can establish herself. I'm taking the plunge, but I think it'll have to be next year (due to some financial issues).

                After reading your post, I realized that we only have one life. Taking this plunge is HUGE but totally worth it no matter how many miles are between the two of you. If you don't do it, would you end up regretting it? Don't go through life not knowing and regretting. You can always move back. Good Luck!!!


                  I don't think it matters as much when you are young, but when you are older you might have a career or at least an ok job and many details of life that needs to work out. I was exhausted just from moving do a different house in my city! If I moved, I definetly would want to move to a job I knew I would like. SO could not afford to support me and I would be miserable without something meaningful to do. I would also need to know that I could make a social life of my own there, to attend activeties and hopefully make real friends in that Place. Just being with SO would not be enough for me. I know he is the same, but luckily for me, he has friends in my city, his best friend might move here this year or next year and his other best friend lives a short flight from my city. Also he has to quit his job anyway and a lot of his collegues already have. So that help might him settle in here.
                  I made love to him only twice, she thought and looked at the man laying asleep beside her. And yet still it is as if we have been together forever, as if he has always known my life, my soul, my body, my light, my pain
                  - Paulo Coelho, "Eleven minutes"

                  "Bız yüzyılın aşkı vardır" - We have dated since Sept. 2013. To see our full story, click here https://members.lovingfromadistance....and-our-visits

