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So... We are closing the distance!

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    So... We are closing the distance!

    I didn't think I would be making one of these threads for a while. But over the last few days a plan has really been coming together. I come from a family of nine, and my parents are reaching the point in their lives where the just can't afford the larger house and the amount of people. So they started looking for a new house, and offered to sell their current one to my older brother, and then he would rent out a room to my older sister and myself. Nothing was set in stone. We had to wait for them to of course find a house, place an offer, and then wait to hear if the offer was accepted.

    Well.... Yesterday my parents Realtor called with great news. It was accepted! So now the craziness begins. My parents and the youngest four children in my family will be moving a month from now. It's going to make things interesting when my boyfriend visits, because everything will be in boxes and it's going to be pretty hectic while we try to figure out how this is all going to go down. But I am still so excited to see him, and that this is all really happening.

    The reason I say we are closing the distance is because when my boyfriend turns 18 in June, he is going to be moving in with me. Things haven't been going too well for him at his house. His mom does not like our relationship, or the fact that his dad bought tickets for him to spend Christmas with me, and she is overall a very unpleasant woman, so she has been making is life miserable. He has wanted out for a while now. I have been working full time, plus some overtime the last few months to save money so that we could figure out a way to close the distance and get him out of there. Then this happened!

    We have a lot to plan and figure out, and of course have to break the news to his parents (one who hates me and the other who strongly disapproves of couples living together before marriage) before we can come up with a set date. But we are thinking July, or August at the latest.

    So hopefully our goodbye in January will be our last!!

    Thanks for letting me ramble, haha
    ~~~ ~~~

    First Met Online: March 13, 2014
    Relationship Began: November 23, 2014
    First Met In Person: June 10-24, 2015
    Second Visit: December 16- January 6, 2015/2016
    Closed The Distance: June 26, 2016
    Got Engaged: February 1, 2018

    That's awesome news Ashley! My ex was in a household like your SO is so I know how it feels to want to get them out of there as soon as possible. This is really good news though, I'm so happy for you. I hope things go well for you guys and you can be together as soon as possible :3
    my girls <3

    Josie (SO)
    Met online ~ 17th August 2017 ~
    Met in person ~ 30th August 2017 ~
    Became official ~ 15th September 2017 ~
    Closed the distance and moved in together! ~ 18th June 2018 ~

    Met online ~ 21st November 2018 ~
    Met in person ~ 26th November 2018 ~
    Became official ~ 4th December 2018 ~
    All moved in together! ~ 30th May 2019 ~


      Thank you!
      ~~~ ~~~

      First Met Online: March 13, 2014
      Relationship Began: November 23, 2014
      First Met In Person: June 10-24, 2015
      Second Visit: December 16- January 6, 2015/2016
      Closed The Distance: June 26, 2016
      Got Engaged: February 1, 2018


        Thats great news I'm very happy for you!
        Engaged Dec 2015!! Visa approved June 2016 . Married July 18th 2016 <3

        Home is where the heart is and my home will always be with my love.
        All the way from England to the USA.

