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Afraid to Close The Distance

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    Afraid to Close The Distance

    Hi everyone! I finally met my SO During Memorial Day Weekend. I flew to see him in the Midwest. While I was there I had some anxiety. I do have a history of anxiety disorder and my therapist said that being in a strange place and meeting someone new (eventhough we've fallen I love and had been talking everyday before for 8 months) caused my anxiety and questioning everything. She said it was normal to feel that way. We were driving around his area and I guess I was thinking if whether or not I could live there. Or do I really love him. Things like that.
    I am from New York and it is just so different. About 2.5 hour flight so it's really not that bad. But still I felt very uneasy. And of course I started to think that it wasn't meant to be which created more anxiety. When he dropped me at the airport to come home I was so sad. I was actually surprised I was so sad because of the anxiety I felt (despite the awesome time we had and lots of laughs)
    Anyway, I want to close the distance within the next 6 to 7 months and he's afraid because of what happened that I won't be happy there and I'll come back to NY.
    I don't intend to stay in NY regardless because it's way too expensive and overcrowded. But I will be homesick. I'm afraid to leave home but I want to be wth him. Im stuck between a rock and a hard place. Im in my thirties and I should be okay with leaving my comfort zone. There is a very thin line between fear and excitement and unfortunately I'm leaning toward fear. But I love him so much and we are planning a great future together which involves moving south in a few years.
    I guess my question is: Is the way I am feeling normal? Or is this a sign that I shouldn't go?

    I'm sorry for the length of this post. I appreciate any thoughts and advice.

    You have only met once and been to the area once. I would say you need more time and visits before making such a big decision. Allow yourself time to get to know him better (in person) and the surrounding area so your comfort level may get better. Why the rush to move when you've only had one visit? Take your time.
    To those who dream, nothing is ever far away.

    ​Distance is to love as wind is to fire. It blows out the little ones and fans the big ones.


      I agree. And I'm not looking to move there right now. I'm looking into winter/spring of next year. And we are planning lots of visits between now and December.
      I guess I just get afraid that the way I felt the first time , I will feel that way everytime.


        Any new place can seem scary or intimidating. The more you are around, the easier it will get. I moved from a very small town in NH to the huge city of Bakersfield. For me, that was quite an adjustment. Over time, I got used to it and acclimated. Just don't go into it every time expecting that you won't like it any better than the last time.
        To those who dream, nothing is ever far away.

        ​Distance is to love as wind is to fire. It blows out the little ones and fans the big ones.

