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First steps for Australia to Canada sponsorship

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    First steps for Australia to Canada sponsorship

    We just have a question about closing the distance and hope someone can give advice.
    We've been seeing each other for 4 1/2 years now, I'm Australian and my partner is Canadian. I'm now ready to move to Canada and start a life together.
    We done some research on sponsorship and the application process, I understand that we would need to live together for 12 continuous months to prove common law, and we have been told that you can enter Canada as a visitor and stay for 6 months, and then apply to have that extended another 6 months to make up the 12 continuous months.
    So first things first I would like some advice on booking the flight and duration of the stay.
    I don't know whether I book a return ticket for a short stay, say one month, and then not take the return flight. Or do I book a for 6 month stay?
    My concern is with entering the country, I've been to Canada five times now, for stays of a month, and never had a problem with immigration, but will I get extra attention from the border people with a 6 month stay?
    On my last visit the officer asked if I had a job to return to in australia after my stay, I won't have one this time so I don't know what I'd say if they ask me again!!!
    If anyone has been through this before is love some advice.
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Adamadster! Welcome to LFAD!

    You are correct about proving to be common law you must live together for 12 month in a row...your other option, the one my partner and I took, is to get married. Then you don't have to prove your common law. To us, that made the most sense.

    Here's a link to a recent topic much like yours:

    If you are married your sponsorship application that be sent in right away. There are 2 types of Spousal Sponsorships; Inland (you're currently staying in Canada) or Outland (you live outside of Canada). Outland is much longer (26 months) but you get to stay in Canada in the meantime and you can apply for a Work Permit in the meantime. This is what my wife and I chose.

    Check out that topic though! I provided a bit more information and a couple links! Feel free to PM if you have questions!

    "True love isn't about being inseparable; it’s about two people being true to each other even when they are separated."
    Married April 18th, 2015!!
    Distance Closed October 4th, 2015!!

