Me and my SO are planning on closing the distance next year. Our plan is for us both to move to the UK together. He lives in the Netherlands and I live on the Isle of Man, which is very close to the UK. The plan is for me to go to university, and him to find a job.
I'm happy cause i've started the first steps to closing the distance now, and we have an actual timeline till we do. I've applied to my chosen universities, just waiting for some offers
I can hardly believe that in just under a year we'll be living together. It sounds long, but the time is going to fly by with school and exams. I'm sooooo excited 
Will update you guys further as things happen. =)
I'm happy cause i've started the first steps to closing the distance now, and we have an actual timeline till we do. I've applied to my chosen universities, just waiting for some offers

Will update you guys further as things happen. =)