So my wife passed her interview for permanent residence recently. We've been apart for nearly 7 years and our little boy has grown up away from me. Well, that's pretty much over now. We are finally moving on to the next phase of things. This LDR was difficult to say the least. Though my wife might ask if it's really that hard? haha. We had a lot of ups and downs, especially this last year. We were probably crazy to just go on and get married and start a family despite still being stuck living apart. I never regretted anything and I very much look forward to our life together.
If both of you are stubborn and don't want to give up. It will probably work out eventually. Even if it takes 10 years. Good luck to all.
If both of you are stubborn and don't want to give up. It will probably work out eventually. Even if it takes 10 years. Good luck to all.